The cost to this country


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
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Grand Prairie Texas
Onama's inauguration will be the highest ever in America's history. Here is the story LINK. Is this really wise consideringthe economy? If he is suppose to lead us out of this mess, should'nt he lead by example?
Onama's inauguration will be the highest ever in America's history. Here is the story LINK. Is this really wise consideringthe economy? If he is suppose to lead us out of this mess, should'nt he lead by example?
Well, Terry, if you'd come up here and spend some money, you'd give a great boost to the local economy!

Of course, the area has pretty much shut down except for inaugural activities for the next 3 days. Lots of roads are closed or closing, it'll be all but impossible to get around the DC area, and you can't get into DC from Virginia on Tuesday, except on foot; not even kayak -- the Coast Guard is closing the rivers. Most people I know are doing all they can to avoid going anywhere east of Centreville/Fairfax on Tuesday...

The mess from the music show this afternoon is still clearing, as I understand it...
Yeah, he is really going to be the saving grace of out country. This guy is flip-flopping on everything he has stated andI have a feeling he will continue to do so. He is worse than Billy C., whom I cannot stand. This country is so screwed up and all of you who voted him in are going to be the ones have to live with it.

Have fun Libs.

***Rant off***
This country is so screwed up and all of you who voted him in are going to be the ones have to live with it.

Have fun Libs.

Incorrect. Everyone will deal with the consequences, whether they voted for Mr Obama or not. :lfao:
Yeah, he is really going to be the saving grace of out country. This guy is flip-flopping on everything he has stated andI have a feeling he will continue to do so. He is worse than Billy C., whom I cannot stand. This country is so screwed up and all of you who voted him in are going to be the ones have to live with it.
The sky's falling! Run!
You boost the economy by spending money, so I'd say it's a good thing. After all, those cops will get OT, the vendors will sell lots of their $5 sodas, etc.
$160 million doesn't seem like so much after the billions upon billions upon billions this same congress has spent bailing out big business in the last couple years.

Carole Florman, spokeswoman for the joint congressional committee on inaugural ceremonies, told the New York Daily News, which estimated the cost at $160m: "We're always very budget conscious. But we're sending a message to the entire world about our peaceful transition of power, and you don't want it to look like a schlock affair. It needs to be appropriate to the magnitude of events that it is."

American arrogance continues. -Rest of world

No expense spared at inauguration
With an estimated price tag of $40m, the three-day celebration that is President Bush's second inauguration will be the most expensive ever.

If $40 million gets you 'No expense spared' what the heck does $160 million get?

The same article also includes:

"Precedent suggests that inaugural festivities should be muted - if not cancelled - in wartime," New York Democrat Representative Anthony Weiner said in a letter to President Bush. He noted the money could be used to buy 690 Humvees and pay for a $290 bonus for each soldier serving in Iraq.

I'm sure Representative Weiner will not be hypocritical and will be 4x as upset with the extravagance of this week's innauguration.

Yeah, right! The king is gone, long live the king.
I do find it unseemly. I wish he had cut back. Much of the money is private, but not for example the security in D.C. (for which they are shipping in LEOs).
I do find it unseemly. I wish he had cut back. Much of the money is private, but not for example the security in D.C. (for which they are shipping in LEOs).

That's true, in a time of economic uncertainty, it does seem a bit extravagant to be spending tax payer money on......I think it was a mistake on Obama's part.......I think his folks are making some serious miscalculations.
By the way, did anyone hear that Poet......Elizabeth Alexander.......last time I heard a rambling incoherent babble like that it was from a schizophrenic gal I was taking to the psych ward!

I'm sure the 'Emperor's New Clothes' pretentious intelligentsia will proclaim it brilliant, and 'over the head' of those who don't agree.......but it was really just untalented babbling word vomit that she likely just threw together.

I expect to hear it called 'Genius!' in the coming days.
Yeah, he is really going to be the saving grace of out country. This guy is flip-flopping on everything he has stated andI have a feeling he will continue to do so. He is worse than Billy C., whom I cannot stand. This country is so screwed up and all of you who voted him in are going to be the ones have to live with it.

Have fun Libs.

***Rant off***

So does that mean you Republicans are responsible for the last 8 years? I mean, if we're going to play a game of blame-chucking, let's play it. :D
So does that mean you Republicans are responsible for the last 8 years? I mean, if we're going to play a game of blame-chucking, let's play it. :D
Which part, break it down and we'll discuss it.......if you want to start with the housing crisis that has sent our economy in to the gutter, by all means, LETS! ;)
By the way, did anyone hear that Poet......Elizabeth Alexander.......last time I heard a rambling incoherent babble like that it was from a schizophrenic gal I was taking to the psych ward!

I'm sure the 'Emperor's New Clothes' pretentious intelligentsia will proclaim it brilliant, and 'over the head' of those who don't agree.......but it was really just untalented babbling word vomit that she likely just threw together.

I expect to hear it called 'Genius!' in the coming days.
while I disagree with almost everything else in this thread, this is very true. As a guy with a degree in lit, I've read nor poetry than I care to remember and this was so bad I actually left and came back, only to find it was also as long as the Iliad.
while I disagree with almost everything else in this thread, this is very true. As a guy with a degree in lit, I've read nor poetry than I care to remember and this was so bad I actually left and came back, only to find it was also as long as the Iliad.

I missed the poem today. Just watched it on YouTube. I found the author very stilted in her reading of her own work. But Heck it's less than four minutes out of may day.
while I disagree with almost everything else in this thread, this is very true. As a guy with a degree in lit, I've read nor poetry than I care to remember and this was so bad I actually left and came back, only to find it was also as long as the Iliad.

It was sad, and kind of embarassing......but it will serve one purpose......when you hear someone praising it, you can decide conclusively that THEY are pretentious posers!
I missed the poem today. Just watched it on YouTube. I found the author very stilted in her reading of her own work. But Heck it's less than four minutes out of may day.
I actually thought she had a stroke at one point.

If she thinks she's Maya Angelou, she's SADLY mistaken!

'A teacher says....take out your pencils........begin....' :hb:
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