Ch'uan Fa (Quan Fa), literally means Fist Method.
Kung Fu (Gong Fu), literally means Skill gained over a period of time.
Both are used in the US to refer to Chinese martial arts, or Chinese boxing.
Wing Chun was unified, at one time, under Yip Man...however, after the master's passing, the seniors in the system split...there are at least three organizations (probably more now) that teach Wing Chun. William Cheung, Leung Ting, and Yip Chun all claim the system as their own...William Cheung was Bruce Lee's senior and actually helped train Bruce...Yip Chun is Yip Man's son...I don't know much about Leung Ting.
I trained (traded information about our systems and sparred some, I never learned the system) with a gentleman who learned his Wing Chun from his uncle...his uncle learned from Yip Man. So there are some teaching privately in some of the China towns, too. John was very skilled, his defense was impenetrable and he stuck to me like glue once our arms touched...Philosophy??? Wasn't there...
You would do well to start learning the philosophical aspect on your own...start readiing some of the translations of LaoTze & ChuangTze; once you're through those, some of the more esoteric texts can be tackled...then, you can start asking questions of your Sifu...pick his mind about his thoughts on the different philosophies and HOW they are applied or apparent (or not) within the system you are learning...many schools have a "code of ethics" but what underlies that code? Some just have it because their teacher had it, or they borrowed from another kwoon or dojo...But, that code IS built on the underlying philosophy of someone, somewhere, sometime...and it is worth the effort to find out what that is. Good hunting !!!