The Chatroom?

You can't; it hasn't been active (and therefore accessible) for some time - since well before I joined, certainly.
We should persuade the admin to make a chatroom again.
The chat room was rarely used as the work schedules of so many of our members varies so much and it took ALOT of work on Bob's part to keep it up and running. It was nice chatting occasionally with the other members but I don't miss it. Between PMs and several other rambling threads in the non-MA forums it doesn't really seem to be needed.
Short version, it was rarely used, and we had problems with security and abuse. I've gone as far as buying a different program to use, but ran into alot of security issues with that one too. It's on my 'someday' list, when a secure program can be found and integrated with MT.
I'd definately use the feature, but I understand not having it. I'm in Korea, so there is no way that anyone would be there at the same time as me!
I'd definately use the feature, but I understand not having it. I'm in Korea, so there is no way that anyone would be there at the same time as me!

You'd be surprised by how many insomniacs you'd encounter.:wink:
We insomniacs love company :D :D
Come to the Last Person Thread and there will be people to chat with!