This is my response to an article a co-worker sent me. I thought I would post it here:
This article is incorrect; once the President declared a state of emergency, that was ALL the authorization FEMA, per its charter, needed in order to act. Secondly, the Governor of Louisiana formally requested Federal assistance on 26 August, BEFORE the hurricane hit. From Monday on, Federal Armed Forces, particularly the Navy and Coast Guard were involved in the State of New Orleans rescuing people. The problem was that compared to the armed force's capabilities, the response was minimal. This is NOT the services' fault as they needed orders - orders that could ONLY come from the President and the Federal Government. Also, 4-6 C-130's could have safely dropped sufficient supplies upon the Superdome and Convention Center to have
prevented hundreds of deaths of dehydration. The only thing needed, legally, was a PRESIDENTIAL ORDER to do so. The posse commitatus act putting restrictions upon the Armed Forces in civilian administration applies to Law Enforcement - not rescue and relief efforts.
Finally, Mississippi and Alabama likewise experienced significant delays in receiving FEMA assistance. Local and state failures are a SEPARATE issue from Federal failures. We cannot do anything about the first but we can do something about the massive Federal failure and incompetence that has characterized this tragedy.
Regarding the "Blame Game"; it is about ACCOUNTABILITY and it is no game. The outrage of the public when "playing the blame game" probably saved hundreds, if not thousands of lives, as it embarrassed the Administration into vigorous action after nearly a week of neglect and inadequate response. The very idea of FEMA is that state and local governments will be unable to respond fully to major catastrophes. This Federal responsibility is THE PRIMARY reason for the existence of a Federal Government at all.
This is gut check time. We are now going to find out who puts their party before their country. This was the greatest failure of Presidential leadership in a century. He could have gotten on the phone to NORTHCOM and ordered Air Force C-130's to drop food and water at the Superdome and Convention center - and he did not." President Harry Truman kept a plaque at his desk that said, "The Buck Stops Here". Well, the ultimate responsibility for the Federal governments response lays with President Bush. The question
now is, does "THE BUCK STOP HERE"?
This article is incorrect; once the President declared a state of emergency, that was ALL the authorization FEMA, per its charter, needed in order to act. Secondly, the Governor of Louisiana formally requested Federal assistance on 26 August, BEFORE the hurricane hit. From Monday on, Federal Armed Forces, particularly the Navy and Coast Guard were involved in the State of New Orleans rescuing people. The problem was that compared to the armed force's capabilities, the response was minimal. This is NOT the services' fault as they needed orders - orders that could ONLY come from the President and the Federal Government. Also, 4-6 C-130's could have safely dropped sufficient supplies upon the Superdome and Convention Center to have
prevented hundreds of deaths of dehydration. The only thing needed, legally, was a PRESIDENTIAL ORDER to do so. The posse commitatus act putting restrictions upon the Armed Forces in civilian administration applies to Law Enforcement - not rescue and relief efforts.
Finally, Mississippi and Alabama likewise experienced significant delays in receiving FEMA assistance. Local and state failures are a SEPARATE issue from Federal failures. We cannot do anything about the first but we can do something about the massive Federal failure and incompetence that has characterized this tragedy.
Regarding the "Blame Game"; it is about ACCOUNTABILITY and it is no game. The outrage of the public when "playing the blame game" probably saved hundreds, if not thousands of lives, as it embarrassed the Administration into vigorous action after nearly a week of neglect and inadequate response. The very idea of FEMA is that state and local governments will be unable to respond fully to major catastrophes. This Federal responsibility is THE PRIMARY reason for the existence of a Federal Government at all.
This is gut check time. We are now going to find out who puts their party before their country. This was the greatest failure of Presidential leadership in a century. He could have gotten on the phone to NORTHCOM and ordered Air Force C-130's to drop food and water at the Superdome and Convention center - and he did not." President Harry Truman kept a plaque at his desk that said, "The Buck Stops Here". Well, the ultimate responsibility for the Federal governments response lays with President Bush. The question
now is, does "THE BUCK STOP HERE"?