The Blood Brothers

Steel Tiger

Senior Master
During the last rest day of the Tour de France I was treated to a late night (early morning) Shaw brothers film - The Blood Brothers.

This film is special for a number of reasons.

First is the fact that most of the scenes are on top of hills so that anyone injured or killed can roll and roll and roll and roll and roll and roll down a slope. Even the major villain does it.

Then there is the fact that none of the main characters survive. Now that's not so unusual - happens all the time in Chinese and Japanese films, but this is magnificent. One of the brothers is married and his wife has an affair with another one (the villain) which leads to murder plots and assassinations with the final result being the supporting cast come out the winners. They get to execute one of the brothers who killed the villain who was their boss after they had coerced the villain into killing the other brother. Did I mention there are three blood brothers?

This is a Shaw Brothers classic with the usually bizarre plot one comes to expect from Chinese films, including the all important add a plot element right at the end stunt.

Got nothing better to do? Don't really want to take the trash out? Can't be bothered doing the washing? Find a copy and watch The Blood Brothers!
Sorry about not getting back before now.

The Blood Brothers was made by Shaw Brothers Studio in 1973. It was released in the US as Dynasty of Blood.

Hope that helps.
I think I have that one sitting on a shelf in the other room. I'll have to watch it today.

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