The Bergdahl situation reeks...


Sr. Grandmaster
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Mar 18, 2005
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By now, we've all seen the news about Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl being "released" from Taliban custody, in exchange for 5 high ranking Taliban officials, who were freed from Guatanamo Bay, and released into Qatarian custody.

The initial waves of news claimed that Bergdahl was a hero who was finally freed through the workings of President Obama and co, along with showing many a scene from his home town in Idaho.

Now that the initial hype has faded, are we facing a case of buyer's remorse? After all, it's been shown that Bergdahl was a deserter, and that he's hardly the hero that Obama, Reid, and Susan Rice claimed he was.

Bowe Bergdahl left letter at Afghan base saying he'd left 'to start new life' | Mail Online
As I commented in the other thread, there is too much I don't think I know. I have a feeling all isn't good with this, but have to reserve myself somewhat until I am better convinced.
I would have many questions on the mans activity during the years he supposedly was a "prisoner".

With the reports of his being a deserter how can the military consider promoting him until all question have been answered.

How closely will he be watched for possible terrorist activity in the future.