The art or the sensei!?

I agree 14 kempo, but to play devil's advocate, what if you get half way to black belt--say invest two or three years, and that world-class instructor leaves--and there is no one local as a fall back? If I rely totally on the instructor, I'm totally dependent on his continued presence, and that may not work out. I've been burned a fews times in this way. :)

That's true, I totally agree.

The previous post wasn't to say that you can rely totally on the instructor, just that I feel the instructor is more important than the art. To have the best situation, both the art and the intructor are a great fit.
it depends the human mind chooses what it likes best. if the mind sees something on tv you like, then that style is what you want. if you know the sensei and you like him or her then that is what you choose. but it should ot matter what the style or sensei is only that the one you choose is right for you and it is what YOU want to do.