The Art of War


Master Black Belt
The Art of War, The Denmar Translation.

Having read other translated parts and versions, I picked up (actually was give) this translation by the Denmar Group of the martial strategic treatise by Sun Tzu.

I wanted to know what others' views were if they have come across this?

I am told the translation itself is very good. I have found the essays in the book which look to explain the meanings in Sun Tzu's strategy descriptions and analogies very interesting and very useful, and informative in providing the text in a form I can apply or relate to the strategies and lessons therein.

However, I wanted to know (particularly if there are those more scholarly or/and better versed in Chinese history/warfare or MAs) what the view of others is and if this particular text and the explanatory essays are well looked upon.

I want to be more certain that what I am reading and the way of thinking and assessing situations portrayed in the book is correct and stacks up.

Regardless, I have taken a lot away from this translation but nice if others have input.

Also, with the above noted, I would recommend this particular translation and guide to others.
