The addiction of Martial arts :)


Yellow Belt
OK this is my first post lol... but I'm 22, when i was 9 i studied martial arts for a while and unfortunately stopped, i recently rejoined under the same master i studied with when i was a child... he welcomed me back with open arms and remembered me completely even though hes had hundreds of students (odd because hes horrible with names)... anyways we mainly study KarateJutsu but our main style is Eugue Ryu... its pretty much a basic karate at the core with a lot of Jujitsu added... Master Topp is allowing me to come back at my former rank (Shichikyu- 7th rank- orange belt) however i asked to wear a white belt for a while to get back into the swing of things... its going on my 3rd month back and i couldn't love it more... its always on my mind, I'm always training in my spare time... and i absolutely can not get enough of it when I'm in class... anyways Master Topp told me he wants me put into the intermediate/advanced class around my 3rd month in and thats also when i finally put on my former ranking belt... also in September I'm picking up Tai Chi classes on Mondays along with a Kata Class on Mondays (the Kata's are for my Eugue Ryu style) and then in October I'm picking Aikido and Iado for on Wednesdays... so pretty much on Mon. i will have Tai chi and Kata... Tuesday i will have 2.5 hours of intermediate/advanced Eugue Ryu... Wednesday i will have Aikido and Iado (1 hour each)... Thursdays i will have my Eugue Ruy again... full schedule pretty much lol, do you all think that maybe its 2 much? i don't think so since i train outside my dojo constantly anyways so pretty much only difference will be that its official classes instead of solo study.

anyways thanks for your time and responses

Also here is a link to see a bit of info about my Master and to check out his ranks and achievements
It's not too much as long as you're not neglecting important things such as time spent with your family. IMO, martial arts is one of the healthiest addictions.
lol i don't have much family to spend time with, but the ones i do have are encouraging me completely... I'm pretty proud to say that I'm 22 and martial arts is my life and i hope will continue to be my life for a very very long time :D
Good for you! I started at age 47 and I'm completely absorbed into it. I had many opportunities and false starts when I was younger; regrets, but that's water under the bridge. Keep at it and enjoy yourself.
Eh... I'd say pick one & develop your skill before trying anything else, regardless of what's being taught at your school.

Build your base... cultivate the skills and theories of it... then decide if you still want to add on or not.

Just my opinion.
well i had a conversation with my master and asked him if he thought i should try picking up more classes or just stick with the KarateJutsu, he told me the choice is mine but he though i would do good in any class i felt like trying, and he assured me that since he would be my master for all of the classes he would make sure it didn't become to much and i understood everything properly before moving on... with that conversation in mind i feel a lot better about picking up more classes but i still value everyones replies so keep them coming!
Glad you are training again! Just be sure to balance everything! There are many things life has to offer. :0)
Glad you are training again! Just be sure to balance everything! There are many things life has to offer. :0)

thanks for the advice :D right now my life consist of work, martial arts, playing my guitar, going to concerts and messing around on the computer... so i think i have a decent balance :D
As someone once said to me:

"Don't hide in karate"

Martial arts can do wonders for your life. How much is enough, or too much, depends on you. If you have the time and it doesn't require neglecting the rest of your life, train as much as you want. But it can be very absorbing, and all the improvements in your life, the way you feel, the confidence you gain, can distract you from other things you maybe should be doing, especially if you are at a point where you don't really know what you want out of life. You love your training so run with it, but don't lose track of everything else you need to be doing.
Be careful that you don't go so whole-hog that you burn out. Keep yourself on a slow simmer. That way you'll always have something new to look forward to, and more importantly, the joy of anticipation.

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