That's not the technique


I wasn't sure whether to post this in Comedy Cafe or Taekwondo, because it's a true story.

I'm in training to be an assistant instructor at my school. I help out with one adult class, but several kids classes and a family class as well.

Today, I was working one-on-one with a student with a self defense technique. After throwing me down, while this student is standing over me, they decide that instead of finishing the move like they were supposed to, they want to fart in my face.

So I had to say, "Mom, that's not what you're supposed to do, now do it right!"
I wasn't sure whether to post this in Comedy Cafe or Taekwondo, because it's a true story.

I'm in training to be an assistant instructor at my school. I help out with one adult class, but several kids classes and a family class as well.

Today, I was working one-on-one with a student with a self defense technique. After throwing me down, while this student is standing over me, they decide that instead of finishing the move like they were supposed to, they want to fart in my face.

So I had to say, "Mom, that's not what you're supposed to do, now do it right!"

A classic! That just might make me smile all day. :)

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