Thanksgiving Dinner


Master Black Belt
Curious as to what everyone else has for their traditional Thanksgiving eats!! What would you miss if it weren't there? Do you fix the same sort of meal with the same items as you grew up having with your family?

Here's mine.......Thanksgiving dinner always includes: (and this is the same as growing up)

-Cranberry sauce- not the whole berry kind
-Green Peas
-Plate with black olives, carrots and celery on it- choose your own
-Crescent rolls with choice of jams
-Mashed potatoes with Franco American chicken gravy
-Some years waldorf salad made with pecans

To drink: sparkling apple, cranberry or grape cider. Sometimes wine.

For dessert: choice of homemade pecan or pumpkin pies with or without vanilla ice cream.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!

Sounds yummy Shodan~!

We have our Fried Turkey.. mmmmmms.. nothing better~! I just dry-rubbed it today with Creole, Cajun and some other wonderful seasonings, I'll inject it with a Cajun marinade tomorrow night and deep fry it in peanut oil Thursday..

Homemade stuffing
Roasted Stuffed large fresh mushrooms with Andouille sausage and topped with cheese
The veritable Green bean casserole
Sweet Taters
Pumpkin pie

When alot of other family was around, would have crudite's throughout the day.. but now it's just the 3 of us, we don't fuss with munchies :)
Turkey(I don't eat it but the rest of my family isn't insane like me)
Stuffing( :fanboy:)
fried okra(my nonnie's is the best in the world :fanboy: :fanboy: :fanboy: )
Cranberry sauce from a can
Mashed taters
green beans
Sweet potatoes cook in a special way thats really good
Peas in a sauce stuff
I'm forgetting alot of stuff I'm sure

Wait if you aren't hungery yet I haven't metioned dessert.
Pie in the pumpkin pecan and apple varieties

My Nonnie is the best cook in the world and don't you dare disagree with me on this. If so we are going to have an eating contest my Nonnie against who ever else. No matter who wins the contest we would win.
oh yeah, I forgot the cranberry sauce.. I make it homemade with fresh berries, oranges and brandy.
well when we go out for Thanksgiving meal we always all seem to have Prime Rib...very traditional I know

When it is home cooked mostly we have:
Turkey & gravy
Mashed Potatoes
Fresh Green Beans
Fruit Salad
Cranberry sauce
Pumpkin and Apple Pie

And everything including the pies are homemade not bought store-made so all tastes very very good!:ultracool
I got on MT thinking about this topic and lo and behold there it is.

Our Thanskgiving Dinner:
Turkey, stuffing, gravy
Cranberries, my own
Mashed potatoes for the guys, yams for the girls
Green bean casserole
Sometimes instead broccoli/cheese souffle-takes alot of work
Cream corn, kind of bread like-my brother's wife's recipe-good
Potato rolls which I make
Ambrosia fruit salad with cut up bite size apples, bananas, mandarin \\\\\oranges, grapes, pecans or walnuts, whipped cream, some people also \\\\\like coconut, but not me.
Orange jello with carrots slivered-old tradition but my son has to have hard cherry jello plain!!
Pickled artichoke hearts, olives, kosher dill pickles and mushroooms
We used to have wine but now just have sparkling (fizzy) whatever!
For dessert-pumpkin pie but last year I made a cherry for my son. He's picky if you haven't guessed. My husband likes pecan but just heard the calories on that-about triple pumpkin and I make mine with whipped cream!

Just a eat all of this would probably be a 3000 calorie meal and after all my dieting though I don't think I could consume that much.
But for this you are supposed to walk 30 miles. Puts it into perspective.
Everybody at the dojang, Friday! Have a great day y'all. TW
Pistachio pudding
Yams with raisens and marshmellows

Plus all the other stuff listed. Man, I'm hungry now!
Okay, I know my Thanksgiving was like 5 weeks ago, but damn I am hungry now. Anyone want a visitor? :D
Sure, Nalia, come on down. I usually make enough for a week (it seems) oh, and stop by and get Bignick too. TW

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