

Sr. Grandmaster
Supporting Member
Oct 13, 2006
Reaction score
I can't thank anyone! Everytime I click on the thanks button it comes up that I don't have access! I am clicking the right one.
Well, I got the error message as well when trying to thank Xue Sheng in the crosstraining thread. I tried thanking Tez here and it worked, and then when I went back to the crosstraining thread, in spite of the error message, it seems to have worked there, as well.

Maybe try clearing your browser cache; I don't believe Thanks is tied to rep levels, membership type, or particular forums.

I've occasionally noticed a problem with it to, but it usually clears up by reloading the page.
I'll try recalulating things. Clear your cache and try again. Everyone has permissions to use the system.
Well, I got the error message as well when trying to thank Xue Sheng in the crosstraining thread. I tried thanking Tez here and it worked, and then when I went back to the crosstraining thread, in spite of the error message, it seems to have worked there, as well.


It is indeed, it was you I was trying to thank!! on the cross training thread too!
I had the same issue the first time I tried as well. But I'm stubborn as hell and it eventually worked.

Lol, it seems to turn up eventually though. I am a complete klutz on computers, I'm trying to get a computer course through work, we have this European Driving licence things for computers, hoping it will explain things like 'clearing your cache' so I can doing without asking and sounding stupid lol!
Lol, it seems to turn up eventually though. I am a complete klutz on computers, I'm trying to get a computer course through work, we have this European Driving licence things for computers, hoping it will explain things like 'clearing your cache' so I can doing without asking and sounding stupid lol!

One way for those that aren't in the know ... reboot the computer. If it is Windows, restart.
i try to thank someone and the button will disappear and after a few seconds the page will reload and the thanks will appear at the bottom of the post.

when it was first put into affect it would happen in an instant no delay

Aye, it is simply a case of all the elements of the page not being refreshed when it loads. I get it quite regularly - the mysterious disappearing Thanks button that is :lol:. A quick hit of F5 usually gets things running again.