Wow, I really donÂ’t even know where to start. This weekend was an amazing one. If I tried to name all the people who helped and contributed I would be here for hours and still miss many of them.
Instead of naming all the greats who were part of the 2010 BWI, IÂ’ll give a summary of the weekend and some of the highlights.
We started Friday night with the welcome banquet. We had over 200 people attend at the beautiful Seacliff Country Club. The facility was beautiful, the food outstanding and the energy and excitement was palpable. After some opening remarks, Mr. White gave a heartfelt speech, Sigung LaBounty spoke and then we ate. We had some wonderful entertainment with Polynesian Dancers, demos by Shaolin Monks as well as a live auction. The highlight was our friend Wes Idol winning a one of a kind Ed Parker poster that was donated by Tom Bleecker. Bill Richardson and Jason (a former RFKC camper who is now a counselor) spoke about the good work of the RFKC and then we closed out with more fun, stories and reunions.
The next day we had a team at the gym early to finish setting up. We kicked off at 9 and by 9:20 we had 6 rings full of forms competitors. Thanks to the hard work of the judges (led by Jose, Gordon and Dave) we were done with over 250 forms competitors by 11 and started the team fighting. We actually ran ahead of schedule! We finished team fighting by 12:30 and took a break for intermission. The intermission featured Mr. White receiving a special award from Professor Sepulveda, a great demo of explosive Kenpo by Paul Dye and his team and the awarding of the annual Steve Hearring Leadership Award.
We then started the individual sparring and the rings were once again full. We finished by 4:00 PM and it was amazing to see the volunteers launch into full clean up mode. Let me repeat that; because of all the support we got we started on time, ran through over 300 competitors and were done by 4:00 PM.
I must offer big congratulations to Stan Hatfield who won the Ireland Trip Raffle. IÂ’ll see you in Dublin Stan!
After the tournament was over, many of our guests joined us at “The White House” for dinner and to watch the Manny Pacquio fight. It was a great way to cap off an amazing weekend. I don’t know what everybody else did on Sunday; I just know that I slept a lot.
I think and hope that everybody had a good time. It was great to see all these different people and organizations come together to help the RFKC. I met several people this weekend that I had heard about for years or interacted with on these forums. We are still finalizing the numbers and on Tuesday IÂ’ll let everybody know what the donation to the RFKC is and how many kids we were able to help.
I encourage anybody who was part of the weekend to post their experiences; we would love to hear them. Pictures of the banquet and the tournament can be seen on the Studio Facebook page
The banquet, the tournament and the entire weekend were dedicated to the memory of Frank Martinez, Brad Fraser and Karen Davis. I hope we made them proud.
Thank you again.
For the kids,
Vishal Shukla
The tired but proud director of the Bob White Invitational
Instead of naming all the greats who were part of the 2010 BWI, IÂ’ll give a summary of the weekend and some of the highlights.
We started Friday night with the welcome banquet. We had over 200 people attend at the beautiful Seacliff Country Club. The facility was beautiful, the food outstanding and the energy and excitement was palpable. After some opening remarks, Mr. White gave a heartfelt speech, Sigung LaBounty spoke and then we ate. We had some wonderful entertainment with Polynesian Dancers, demos by Shaolin Monks as well as a live auction. The highlight was our friend Wes Idol winning a one of a kind Ed Parker poster that was donated by Tom Bleecker. Bill Richardson and Jason (a former RFKC camper who is now a counselor) spoke about the good work of the RFKC and then we closed out with more fun, stories and reunions.
The next day we had a team at the gym early to finish setting up. We kicked off at 9 and by 9:20 we had 6 rings full of forms competitors. Thanks to the hard work of the judges (led by Jose, Gordon and Dave) we were done with over 250 forms competitors by 11 and started the team fighting. We actually ran ahead of schedule! We finished team fighting by 12:30 and took a break for intermission. The intermission featured Mr. White receiving a special award from Professor Sepulveda, a great demo of explosive Kenpo by Paul Dye and his team and the awarding of the annual Steve Hearring Leadership Award.
We then started the individual sparring and the rings were once again full. We finished by 4:00 PM and it was amazing to see the volunteers launch into full clean up mode. Let me repeat that; because of all the support we got we started on time, ran through over 300 competitors and were done by 4:00 PM.
I must offer big congratulations to Stan Hatfield who won the Ireland Trip Raffle. IÂ’ll see you in Dublin Stan!
After the tournament was over, many of our guests joined us at “The White House” for dinner and to watch the Manny Pacquio fight. It was a great way to cap off an amazing weekend. I don’t know what everybody else did on Sunday; I just know that I slept a lot.
I think and hope that everybody had a good time. It was great to see all these different people and organizations come together to help the RFKC. I met several people this weekend that I had heard about for years or interacted with on these forums. We are still finalizing the numbers and on Tuesday IÂ’ll let everybody know what the donation to the RFKC is and how many kids we were able to help.
I encourage anybody who was part of the weekend to post their experiences; we would love to hear them. Pictures of the banquet and the tournament can be seen on the Studio Facebook page
The banquet, the tournament and the entire weekend were dedicated to the memory of Frank Martinez, Brad Fraser and Karen Davis. I hope we made them proud.
Thank you again.
For the kids,
Vishal Shukla
The tired but proud director of the Bob White Invitational