Thanks for being awesome MT members!


Master Black Belt
May 16, 2009
Reaction score
Just wanted to say that I've often times searched through the forum threads here even before I signed on and one thing I've always noticed is that the MT members are some of the greatest martial artist not just in knowledge but they all generate a positive energy that is great for constructive environments for learning. So I just wanted to make it known that you guys and girls are definitely on the top and great examples of what martial artist should be! (unlike a few other forums lol, oh well its all good) :)

"Friendly Discussion Forum" Just as our heading says. We may not know everything, but together we can sure make a difference on the web.
Thanks for being a great part of it Tensei :asian:

There are a lot of good people here, but the site really doesn't mean anything unless the good people show up to post. Glad to have you as part of the "family" :)
There's also a wealth of info. here from past/inactive members--never forget the Search button!
Just wanted to say that I've often times searched through the forum threads here even before I signed on and one thing I've always noticed is that the MT members are some of the greatest martial artist not just in knowledge but they all generate a positive energy that is great for constructive environments for learning. So I just wanted to make it known that you guys and girls are definitely on the top and great examples of what martial artist should be! (unlike a few other forums lol, oh well its all good) :)

Well, just remember ... you too can make just a valuable contribution to this forum.

....unlike some OTHER people :lurk: :uhyeah:

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