Thank you MT!


Blue Belt
May 4, 2006
Reaction score
Aberdeen, Scotland

We have our own online MA forum for the gym I train at, but lately its just full of silly gossip and taunts. I feel like its becoming more of a playground (complete with virtual hair-pulling) than an MA forum and its starting to get to me. There are two main parties who seem to dominate every conversation, sending e-mails back and fourth (and copying everyone else) all day long. Seems to me they are more interested in gossip than MA and should just e-mail each other.

At the moment I'm just ignoring all the daft postings and only replying to ones that are MA related, but my inbox is clogged with so much rubbish. With a bit of luck our instructor will soon have enough of it and tell them to wise up.

Just wanted to say a thank-you to all those at MT who are posting techniques/advice/theory on various arts. Its something that I'm missing in the other forum and I'm glad I can get it here!!

Sorry guys, just needed to vent a bit.

PS - I'm not a total party-pooper, I love the funnies too!
Well gee, thanks lil' lady... we appreciate that! :D Nice to appreciate being appreciated huh?

Perhaps better moderation on your other forum is the ticket to cut out the gossip and other non-topics that are appearing.
Martial Talk is indeed a rose among the thorns, IMO. Above and beyond typical MA forums where poo flinging is the norm. Hopefully your instructor will soon have enough and put a stop to the foolishness.
Above and beyond typical MA forums where poo flinging is the norm.

If the internet really is the `Information Superhighway', then MA forums seem to be where all the road rage shows up. Unreal levels of hostility there... MA-caver is right: it's all about the moderation. Some of the sites I've seen have no moderation at all, in any sense of the word.

There's something abt electronic communication that allows a lot of people to connect with their inner velociraptor, that's for sure...
If the internet really is the `Information Superhighway', then MA forums seem to be where all the road rage shows up. Unreal levels of hostility there... MA-caver is right: it's all about the moderation. Some of the sites I've seen have no moderation at all, in any sense of the word.

There's something abt electronic communication that allows a lot of people to connect with their inner velociraptor, that's for sure...

Handling Velociraptors is Chapter 3 of the Moderator Training Guide, comes right after "How to trap a troll" :D
Above and beyond typical MA forums where poo flinging is the norm

Having visited and briefly joined one of the "other" sites I must agree..This is the best place to be...
Yeah, MT is great! I've checked out several other MA forums and really don't want to be a part of them. To much posturing. Too much "that art is crap" stuff.

But I would like to start a thread where everyone could talk about Lisa and how awful she is!

Yeah, MT is great! I've checked out several other MA forums and really don't want to be a part of them. To much posturing. Too much "that art is crap" stuff.

But I would like to start a thread where everyone could talk about Lisa and how awful she is!


You already did, it is called "The last person"

Handling Velociraptors is Chapter 3 of the Moderator Training Guide, comes right after "How to trap a troll" :D

... and right before "How to bait the T-Rex"
Oh, and in case you're wondering ... it's all Lisa's fault. Eh, Jeff? :high5:
I would have to agree. My favorite MA forum site is

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