Texas: West TX school district allows concealed carry


Sr. Grandmaster
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
While it's just a small start, at least it's a good start:


When classes start Aug. 25 in the tiny Harrold school district, there will be one distinct difference from years prior: Some of the teachers may have guns.

To deter and protect against school shootings, trustees have altered district policy to allow employees to carry concealed weapons if they have a state permit and permission from the administration. The 110-student district lies 150 miles northwest of Fort Worth on the eastern end of Wilbarger County, near the Oklahoma border.
That will be an interesting experiment in the school systems. Not knowing the statistics of shootings or armed violence within that school district I can not say if I agree or not.
I guess only time will tell if this was the correct thing to do or not
About time!

They way I look at it, as long as the teacher is trained and WANTS to pack a weapon, well I'm all for it.

When are people going to see that a huge majority of the people are fine upstanding persons and have more common sense than they are given credit for.

I hope other schools see the light, and also let people, who are not teachers, and have CHLs, do the same.

"To deter and protect against school shootings, trustees have altered district policy to allow employees to carry concealed weapons if they have a state permit..."

According to Oregon concealed weapons law, the same thing is legal here. In the current cultural environment, it's probably not a bad idea. Whether or not the teachers here are aware of this right or utilize it, I couldn't tell you.
While i'm not sure how necessary it is from an actual threat standpoint.......there's absolutely NOTHING wrong with it, and that the school district is allowing it is a GREAT sign that finally folks are realizing that it isn't guns that are bad, bad people are.

At least one school shooting was halted in progress by by an assistant principal, Vice Principal Joel Myrick, who was armed with a handgun that, due to school policy, had to be kept in his vehicle OFF school grounds......necessitating a good little hike to retrieve it. http://www.davekopel.com/2a/othwr/principal&gun.htm

It's also a vastly better plan than the asinine notion that the way to protect people is to MAKE CERTAIN they are disarmed.
It's also a vastly better plan than the asinine notion that the way to protect people is to MAKE CERTAIN they are disarmed.

You mean only disarming the good guys is not a sound strategy? I'm shocked

Oh BTW Gren, as a Texan I can tell you that this area wouldn't be considered west Texas...more like north central :D
I posted this in the Study yesterday but it didn't generate any comments.

anyway, God Bless Texas! :D
If you'd like the staff to merge your original thread with this one hit the RTM button and we'd be happy to do so.

I think this has the potential to be either the greatest thing to happen or the worst thing to happen depending on how it works out. If a situation arises where in a concealed weapon is needed/used it will provide fodder for either side of the debate depending on how things fall out.
If you'd like the staff to merge your original thread with this one hit the RTM button and we'd be happy to do so.

I think this has the potential to be either the greatest thing to happen or the worst thing to happen depending on how it works out. If a situation arises where in a concealed weapon is needed/used it will provide fodder for either side of the debate depending on how things fall out.
That is certainly true.....the likelihood, however, is that if it provides it's MOST sought after benefit, i.e. as a deterrent, the news will be no news.

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