Texas Kali Mastery Camp 2004


White Belt

The Texas Kali Association would like to announce our up coming event, the Texas Kali Mastery Camp on October 15-17, 2004. The camp website is up (http://camp.texaskali.org/) and contains the following information:

  • Camp Information (overview, goals, schedule, and accommodations)
  • Instructor Bios
  • Registration information
  • Printable Documentation
  • And much, much more
There is an “updates” section that displays the latest information regarding the camp. Currently we have posted our Texas Kali Mastery Camp video in this section. If you have not attended the past 2 camps, this video will give you an idea of some of the training we go through at the camp.

The Texas Kali Mastery Camp is a great opportunity to improve your skills, learn from certified and expert instruction, train with other kali practitioners from around the nation, and overall have fun. Advance registration is available and recommended to ensure your spot in the camp. September 18, 2004 is the last day for advance registration. A discount will be offered to all who register by this date.

Please feel free to pass this information to any Filipino Martial Arts enthusiasts that may be interested.

If you have any questions about the camp, please email your questions to kalicamp@texaskali.org or post your inquiries on our forum within the TKA website (www.texaskali.org).

Thank you for your time and we hope to see you there at the camp,


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