Terrorist Website found!


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
A new splinter cell has been discovered. Liberation Army Against Freedom. Or LAAF. See their website where they have training videos on the dangerous weapons of minuscule destruction. http://www.laaf.info/
Lunatic Dutch nutcases! :lol:
I for one, am afraid of that other not so well know terror group: Al Gebra they are known for their unceasing torment of teenagers and their use of weapons of math instruction.
How on earth can something in spoken Arabic (comedic pidgeon I'm assuming?) with Dutch subtitles be so funny :D?

By the way, some pertinent, here's some hard won advice when it comes to the Dutch. You know that we English have something of a reputation (deserved) when it comes to ingesting alcohol in copious quantities? Well, the other month this particular Englishman went out on the tiles with a bunch of Crazy Dutchies - the actual 'combat' went well and I more than held my own but the next day ... :barf: ... the price of honour had to be paid :eek:.
How on earth can something in spoken Arabic (comedic pidgeon I'm assuming?) with Dutch subtitles be so funny :D?

By the way, some pertinent, here's some hard won advice when it comes to the Dutch. You know that we English have something of a reputation (deserved) when it comes to ingesting alcohol in copious quantities? Well, the other month this particular Englishman went out on the tiles with a bunch of Crazy Dutchies - the actual 'combat' went well and I more than held my own but the next day ... :barf: ... the price of honour had to be paid :eek:.
Heh, I am half Irish and half Dutch mate... so I'd be cautious about holding your honor around me in a drinking bout... that is... if I still drank... which I don't. So it's something that you don't have to worry about eh?

Yeah those guys are funny and are just poking fun. I wouldn't be surprised to see a full length feature movie with those guys in it. Of course it won't be entirely popular with certain people... but who cares! Let comedy reign.