Terminator: Salvation

Clark Kent

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Terminator: Salvation
By Silent Bob - 06-15-2009 01:20 PM
Originally Posted at: Dead Parrot Tavern


So we saw it yesterday. Not too bad. Some time-line changes, but then again this series seems to enjoy doing that. The CGI work was flat out awesome! Looking forward to the sequel in 2011. :D


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Doesn't sound too bad, I still haven't seen it just yet but I have always been a fan ever since I first saw Arnie 'unleased' way back when in Terminator (1984). Glad to hear it wasn't a disappointment, as most sequals seem to be nowadays, I will have to see if I can get my hands onto a copy.

Looking forward to the sequel in 2011. :D

Theres going to be another sequel, gosh what could this next one possibly be about? either way I have to see Terminator Salvation first eh?
Terminator Salvation is the 1st of 3 new films, dealing mostly with the war and back story it seems. Rumor is the next film is the one where Kyle gets sent back in time.
I quite liked it. It was very past-paced. Not Hamlet, indeed, but a good action / sci-fi / drama.

There's an interesting homage to Arnold -- don't want to give it away.
I still have not watched this movie, but I really want to!

I heard the reps were pretty good, probably worth the watch.
Terminator Salvation is the 1st of 3 new films, dealing mostly with the war and back story it seems. Rumor is the next film is the one where Kyle gets sent back in time.
Well right there is where the timeline could get skewed.
Supposed if Kyle had FAILED and Sarah Conner was killed by the first T-800? Would humans still eventually conquer Skynet?
Also another question I always had after seeing the first film... if the first Terminator had succeeded... did it have secondary objectives? Or would it have found a nice quiet spot somewhere and shut itself down on a timer to await the rise of the machines (as it were)? If it did have secondary objectives what could they have been?
Helping Miles Dyson accelerate his work? (Paradox since Dyson's work was based on the first T-800's chip -- smashed as it were it still "gave them new directions".

Not surprising that they fiddled with the time line a bit... all depending upon the vision whomever writing the continuing story has.

Might be interesting. The Sarah Conner Chronicles weren't too bad from what few episodes I've seen. A teeny-bopper terminator was a bit hard to chew and swallow down but :idunno: guess they were trying for something DIFFERENT :rolleyes:
Well right there is where the timeline could get skewed.
Supposed if Kyle had FAILED and Sarah Conner was killed by the first T-800? Would humans still eventually conquer Skynet?
Also another question I always had after seeing the first film... if the first Terminator had succeeded... did it have secondary objectives? Or would it have found a nice quiet spot somewhere and shut itself down on a timer to await the rise of the machines (as it were)? If it did have secondary objectives what could they have been?
Helping Miles Dyson accelerate his work? (Paradox since Dyson's work was based on the first T-800's chip -- smashed as it were it still "gave them new directions".

Not surprising that they fiddled with the time line a bit... all depending upon the vision whomever writing the continuing story has.

Might be interesting. The Sarah Conner Chronicles weren't too bad from what few episodes I've seen. A teeny-bopper terminator was a bit hard to chew and swallow down but :idunno: guess they were trying for something DIFFERENT :rolleyes:

No, no, no spoilers!!! I guess I'll just have to close my eyes or take off my reading glasses. For the record I'm covering my ears as well...
You say that now, but what if it becomes the truth!

lalalala, can't hear you... Just kidding, :) I think its time for me to either go to bed or grow up, so I pick go to bed.
You say that now, but what if it becomes the truth!

lalalala, can't hear you... Just kidding, :) I think its time for me to either go to bed or grow up, so I pick go to bed.
If it turns out the way I speculate it will be... I'm changing careers to become a writer for screenplays...
Hell I ought to anyway... just so I can't complain about remakes and sequels. :rolleyes:
If it turns out the way I speculate it will be... I'm changing careers to become a writer for screenplays...
Hell I ought to anyway... just so I can't complain about remakes and sequels. :rolleyes:

Yea, Career changes are always interesting. You might as well, then I can be like "hey I know that person"