
Ooh. I like Tea.

Do look at the mail order stuff (the tea is from Taylors of Harrogate founded 1889) especially the hampers, we have a Bettys in the town next to us and I tell you, you go in and you'll forget about the cares of the world while you are there! Forget politics, Betty's tea and cakes will unite the world.

Sorry to sidetrack, but you have to understand exactly how important tea time is here lol!
Tea is vastly underestimated in its value to diplomacy. Perhaps if people sat down with a good cup of tea together we'd get more peace, as Winston Churchill said better to jaw, jaw than war, war.
Ancient tribes weren't stupid when they offered hospitality to any who turned up in their villages/tents etc. It's harder to make war on someone after you've eaten and drunk with them and seen them as fellow human beings with families and feeling the same as you.
It's much easier to hate strangers and people different from you.
Different teas for different times. English Breakfast tea to wake up to, Ceylon for meals, green tea for digestion and well being. Earl Grey when feeling delicate.

It's a tradition here that before decisions are made and after momentous events one always has a cup of tea. this ensures that hasty decisions aren't made, others opinions are heard and one can recover your equilibrium. Tea should be hot (though iced tea is nice) this allows time for thought before finishing. One gets to know people over tea.
It's no coincidence that the Queen hosts several tea parties a year at Buckingham Palace and Holyrood Palace. It may be a security nightmare but pays dividends in the value it has in her meeting the people.
Don't forget the glory that is Lady Grey for those thoughtful moments when contemplation and quiet allow you time to savour.

We should take care not to sidetrack here tho', ladies and gents - it's a serious topic after all. One in fact that would well benefit form a cup of tea as accompanyment :D.
Tea bits split from Obama thread in Study.
Ahhh a chance to brag.

I get tea directly from China from my in-laws and before I went to China and meant my sister-in-law I actually thought I know an awful lot about tea..... NOPE... not compared to her. She now sends me tea..... I too like tea
Out of curiosity, does cold or iced tea show a lack of culture or refinement? Or is it more the fact that I would make a gallon of Lipton Green Tea at a time using a microwave and drink it on the rocks a pint at a time?
Out of curiosity, does cold or iced tea show a lack of culture or refinement? Or is it more the fact that I would make a gallon of Lipton Green Tea at a time using a microwave and drink it on the rocks a pint at a time?

No.... but using Lipton does :D

Just kidding.

Anyway you drink tea is fine with me.
Yes my Obama thread has served its hidden purpose the truth of me wanting to talk about Tea!!

I Like Green Tea varities

White Teas and Oolong Teas.

Herbal Teas as well.

I think the Starbuck Green tea lemonade is a great beverage.

However there are Teas I do not like such as:

Straw Tea any commercial Tea like Brisk or Lipton way to much Sugar for me.

Crushing nothing wrong with drinking ice Tea!!
-Must admit, when I saw the topic, I had to go put the water on to boil. Should make that a routine, cup of tea everytime on MartialTalk. I like tea too, and I don't think it matters how you make it or which flavor/brand you use, as long as YOU like it. There are certainly some tea snobs out there in the world, just as bad as the coffee snobs. (Although, I would like to know why Dunkin Donuts doesn't exist in Denver.) Haven't had too many tea flavors I didn't like. Green tea, orange tea, berry tea, breakfast tea, you really can't go wrong. A little honey, or cream, or sugar, or lemon or just plain, it all works. Which also reminds me, I need to go the store and buy more.

Don't suppose anyone could suggest a decent store brand that would be available?

My wife likes Tazo brand Green Tea. This is the main GreenTea used at Starbucks. I don't like it because of the Lemongrass.

I try not to buy my Teas from the Supermarket because the grade is low.

When you are looking for Green Tea look for the actual leaf and not bits and pieces that find in cheap low grades.

Some Teas that are in bag have good amount of leaf.

Best way to compare is to get a Lipton Tea bag which looks like ash and compare it to full leaf bags huge difference.
Tea gives us a sense of wellbeing since it is loaded with all kinds of nutrients and antioxidants. So it makes sense that discussions seem to work better over a cup of tea. I am studying genetics, and geneticists are disovering that the foods we put into our bodies can actually affect future generations...genetically. The term for this is epigenetics. Of course other environmental factors can influence our "gene health", such as good or bad parenting while growing up. A study was done on Agoudi mice...mice that were fed foods that were methylated seemed to get along better and were much calmer in their interactions with each other. The mice that were lacking foods that contained methyl were more anxious acting and not as sociable. Studies were also done on rats...the mother rats showed affection by being attentive licking the offspring to keep them clean...the behavior of the baby rats showed them to be calm even under stress induced situations. Mother rats that neglected their offspring...these baby rats were more fearful/inward acting and cowered when stressful situations arose. So, it is proven that outside/environmental stimulus has a direct affect on our genetic coding...influencing how we deal with things. Food for thought.
Iced tea doesn't show any lack of refinement, it's just not so common here as we tend not to have the weather for it.
I drink all my tea without milk so like a nice clean tasting tea. I use one made for drinking locally, Taylors make a Yorkshire tea for hard water areas which is perfect. I will use bottled water to boil up for other teas.
Liptons is bland and made for a 'foreign' market I think.
That tea is good for you has been suspected for a long time and is now being proved by scientists.

I think the emotional support offered by tea is also important!!
Green Tea varities

White Teas and Oolong Teas.

And Black/Red Teas too

I am not a big fan of herbal (flavored) tea

Although Iam forced to drink herbal tea (of TCM) from time to time.

In China (or at least Beijing), and now I do it from time to time to, I found that the basic practice was throw leaves in a cup and drink it, pour hot water on it, drink some, pour hot water on it, drink some, repeat.
I personally don't drink anything hot... i do drink tea in the ice tea form though.... :drinky: :drink2tha :high5:
I drink one to two cups of black tea in the morning with breakfast and then I usually have a green tea after dinner. I'm freaking addicted to SoBe Green Tea and Arizona isn't bad either. Oh and green tea with jasmine=awesome.

I have a question for Tez though: is there a major difference between Irish and English breakfast tea?
Oh and if any of you ever happen to be in Seattle, there's a great tea shop in Pike Place Market. They have teas I'd never even heard of there. Be sure to bring lots of money though.