Tatoos, long hair, mowhawks, & peircings galore


Purple Belt
Aug 8, 2006
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Does your instructor/sensei allow tatoos? Any special policies on them. Are you allowed to have your hari in a mohawk or have your hair several feet long? What if you have peircngs? I am intrested to see what people have to say about this.
Mine has tats, I have 2 myself. Piercings, it depends.
nose, eyebrow, belly button, nipple piercings, or collarbone peircings.
i think as long as you take out your peircings out for class your fine, as far as hair and tats no real requirment there
what if you were just pierced and not allowed to take the out? Are you not allowed to sparr, need protective equitment, or just train but no contact allowed on the piercing?
Tattoos I have no problem with the exception of ones that may express a bad message of some sort. Piercings are dangerous in training and they must be removed or don't train until they can be removed.
I love training with people with long hair. Gives you something else to grab and control them by. It happened enough times to me when I grew it long to please my wife.

JeffJ said:
I love training with people with long hair. Gives you something else to grab and control them by.
It also makes a great weapon... :p
What you do to your body is your choice, as long as it's not offensive (like an obscenity in a tattoo); however, for sparring, all piercings must come out - although I've never inspected my students bodies for piercings... but I wouldn't suggest sparring with any piercings still in, because they rip out pretty easily. If it's something you cannot take out (like, say, something that was just pierced and can't be taken out yet) then I would allow it in class, as long as it was well taped down - but it would never be allowed in a tournament, regardless of why the piercing was still in.

Hairstyle is your own problem - although if it's long, as has been said, it can be used against you. I would suggest tying it back to keep it out of your face - but since you're not going to take it off (my hair is shoulder length) you have to learn how to deal with it anyway.
Brandon Fisher said:
Tattoos I have no problem with the exception of ones that may express a bad message of some sort. Piercings are dangerous in training and they must be removed or don't train until they can be removed.
We discourage any jewelry during class. That would pretty much include piercings. Tattoos are your business, though if you show up with gang tats, I'm gonna have issues...

Hair -- keep it out of your face, and under some form of control. Personally, I encourage guys to keep theirs short, but it's their choice.
jks9199 said:
We discourage any jewelry during class. That would pretty much include piercings. Tattoos are your business, though if you show up with gang tats, I'm gonna have issues...

Hair -- keep it out of your face, and under some form of control. Personally, I encourage guys to keep theirs short, but it's their choice.

I guess a tatoo of a target on my temple is a bad idea?
Shaolinwind said:
I guess a tatoo of a target on my temple is a bad idea?

tattoos, fine. Long hair must be tied back. All piercings and jewellery removed.
KenpoSterre said:
what about glasses?
Well, probably not a good idea to spar in them, or any other training where you get thrown around. For standing solo kihon drills, most probably wouldn't have a problem with it. You might consider getting sport glasses though that say in place and are less likely to get broken.

Tattoos are OK, as long as they are not going to cause any undue attention. A tattoo that is tastefully done won't be a problem at all.

Of course, tattoos that are similar to the one Charles Manson has, are unsuitable. :)

Long hair must be tied or clipped back. As long as it does not interfere with your training, or anyone else's that's fine.

Someone having a mohawk cut is no different than if someone simply shaved his head.

Fingernails and toenails must be kept to a reasonable length. The ladies are allowed a bit more leeway when it comes to fingernails, though. Nails should never be so long as to interfere with making a tight fist, or present a scratching hazard.

Glasses are only worn during non-contact times. If someone wants to spar, he must use either sporting goggles, soft contact lenses (no rigid ones allowed), or remove the glasses entirely.

Internal piercings, or ones that are securely covered, are allowed. The way I figure, a tongue piercing isn't going to affect the wearer or the partners. For other, more sensitive areas, if someone can cover it with a cup and supporter, etc., then good for them.

Piercings that are exposed, though, can pose a problem. You basically have a few options, though:

1) Remove it during your training. This is no different than any other piece of jewelry.

2) Tape it down securely. You don't want your partner cutting up his own hands if he makes an impact there. It's your own fault if you get hit there and have to deal with the consequences. Much better to remove them before class starts.

I'm not about to tell someone not to punch you in the chest during kumite, just because you have a piercing there. You chose to put it there, and the chest is a valid target. The good of the class comes before an individual student's vanity.
non-inflamatory tats are fine.

glasses have to be taken off - or use soft contacts or sports goggles.

jewlery has to come off.

hair - keep it back out of your face.
Kreth said:
It also makes a great weapon... :p

When I was in college, I had long hair (mullett) & for class I'd often wear it French-braided. I threw a spinning back kick toward someone & the knot at the end of my hair hit me in the face & gave me a black eye. Ah, the price of fashion:ultracool
KenpoSterre said:
what if you were just pierced and not allowed to take the out? Are you not allowed to sparr, need protective equitment, or just train but no contact allowed on the piercing?

i have my ears down to 7/16 but i took them out for sparring, i have my septum and my frenum which i also take out when i spar. but i have decided to keep them when i am not training.

unfortunately you have a tough decision to make.

1 you keep them and take a break from contact sports, or 2 you take them out and waste the piercing.
JeffJ said:
I love training with people with long hair. Gives you something else to grab and control them by.
You beat me too it! :D

As far as tats, our instructor has them. If one has piercings, they need to take them out beforehand. If they want to risk leaving them in, it is at their own risk. Training is at your own risk, for that matter.

As pinhead would say, "your pain is our pleasure!" HAHAHA :D just kidding of course.
KenpoSterre said:
what about glasses?
For our training in the Bujinkan, glasses can be problematic. Nearly all of our training is partner training. The glasses will get knocked off at some point in the class, and likely often. As a matter of fact, one of our newer students wears glasses. I noticed recently he has been keeping them off during training.