Tampa Goju Classes


Green Belt
Hello everyone , I havent posted in a while , & thought I would say hello , & update everyone .
My name is David Somers , from Tampa,FL , & have been training since about 1978 . I hold a Yon Dan from The Okinawa Goju Ryu Seibukai , under Nakasone Kinei Sensei , & have trained w/ several other instuctors , as well . Some of them are Hichiya Yoshio Sensei , Morio Higaonna , Nakamoto Masahiro Sensei , Tony Madamba , & John Yacalis . I am also the US Represenative for The Okinawa Dento Kobudo Hozon Kai , under Nakamoto Masahiro Sensei , Bunbukan Kancho . I am looking to start a training group here in Tampa , of adults who are sincere , have a good heart , & want to learn . If anyone is interested , please feel free in contacting me at okigojunofl@hotmail.com .

David Somers
David, how was your trip to Okinawa? We met a while back down in Sarasota and you mentioned that you were going to try to go.

Mike Dunn
Okinawa was awesome . I did'nt wanna come back . If I was'nt married , I would of figured out a way to stay . The people there are very friendly , peaceful people . I can't wait to go back !

okinawagojuryu said:
Okinawa was awesome . I did'nt wanna come back . If I was'nt married , I would of figured out a way to stay . The people there are very friendly , peaceful people . I can't wait to go back !



Thanks for posting.
Okinawa is great, isn't it!
How long were you there? Where did you stay?
I stayed in Naha for 2 weeks . While I was there I trained w/ Hichiya Yoshio Sensei , & Nakamoto Masahiro Sensei . Shinzo Chinen Sensei , also helped me out a bit as well .

David, if your ever in the area, your more than welcome to drop on in. Were located on 49th St and 118 th in Pinellas Park, Commerce Plaza. Mon thru Fri 6:00pm till your tired.

Mike Dunn

To David, RRouuselot and everyone else in the Karate section.
