Taekwondo / MMA / vs Aikido / MMA

Before the Ki people get their ribbons in a twist or the Aikido puriststs soil their gis!! this is not about Aikido vs Taekwondo. It is about Rik Ellis a student of the ``Ellis Schools of Traditional Aikido`` who also studies MMA. Rik was prepared to take his technique and positive spirit into the ring, as was Russell Dennis 6th dan Taekwondo.
There is a video on `Aikido Ellis Video Channel` In a recent FCFN ( Full Contact Fight Night ) where Rik Ellis with a background in Aikido and trained in MMA meets Russell Dennis 6th dan Extreme TaeKwonDo.
Rik Ellis of the " Ellis Schools of Traditional Aikido " destroyed Russell Dennis in 46 seconds of the first round.
Rik does not perform the classical Aikido that one would see on the mat, he demonstartes the positive action necessary to overwhealm an opponent. see: http://www.aikidoellisvideo.magnify.net It is the first fight on the video...
Rik Ellis says that in a real situation such as the street or in the MMA ring/cage Aikido cannot be performed in its classical sense as one sees it on the mat. He finds that ~Tenkan ~ Iriminage ~ Tenchinage ~ are some of the techniques that can be used successfully in close quater contact. Such as turning his opponent into the cage wall, or any wall for that matter.

Henry Ellis

No matter your pretence, you are what you are and nothing more!! ....Kenshiro Abbe Sensei 1915 ~ 1985
Well I will be your Huckabee here, To me it seem you are trying to say that TKD is not much because this fighter was able to destroy him in 46 seconds right? Well here is my .02 cents it is not a style but an individual fighter that will control any fight. I do not believe in a true style to be the best out there that the fighter makes the style not the other way around. If I took what you wa saying outof context I am sorry.
Just like they say "On any giveing Sunday any team can beat any other team in the NFL". The same can be said about any fighter in the ring or cage, regardless the style.

I just watched a fight last night on HDnet Fights, and the favorite lost in 22 seconds.

The better man does not always win. That is why they play the game.
Well, I'll put it this way...........Very short fight with NO aspects of either style mentioned showing. It was a run at your opponent and grab/push and punch the crap out of him. Fighting in a ring with rules is so far removed from a real fight, it's a night vs day.
Before the Ki people get their ribbons in a twist or the Aikido puriststs soil their gis!! this is not about Aikido vs Taekwondo. It is about Rik Ellis a student of the ``Ellis Schools of Traditional Aikido`` who also studies MMA. Rik was prepared to take his technique and positive spirit into the ring, as was Russell Dennis 6th dan Taekwondo.
There is a video on `Aikido Ellis Video Channel` In a recent FCFN ( Full Contact Fight Night ) where Rik Ellis with a background in Aikido and trained in MMA meets Russell Dennis 6th dan Extreme TaeKwonDo.
Rik Ellis of the " Ellis Schools of Traditional Aikido " destroyed Russell Dennis in 46 seconds of the first round.
Rik does not perform the classical Aikido that one would see on the mat, he demonstartes the positive action necessary to overwhealm an opponent. see: http://www.aikidoellisvideo.magnify.net It is the first fight on the video...
Rik Ellis says that in a real situation such as the street or in the MMA ring/cage Aikido cannot be performed in its classical sense as one sees it on the mat. He finds that ~Tenkan ~ Iriminage ~ Tenchinage ~ are some of the techniques that can be used successfully in close quater contact. Such as turning his opponent into the cage wall, or any wall for that matter.

Henry Ellis

No matter your pretence, you are what you are and nothing more!! ....Kenshiro Abbe Sensei 1915 ~ 1985

What is your point?
If the OP's point is that both guys lacked technique when the adrenal rush hit and the guy with the TKD background did even worst than the guy with the aikido background, then this vid supports his point.

I do feel that MMA is the best form of "live" training that can be done with relative safety between young, healthy athletes who are matched up evenly. It's as close to reality as you can safely get in controlled conditions. OTOH, even NHB/MMA (while a great training tool) is not the end-all, be-all of self defense or combat, though it's a great start. In this video, we all had the chance to see an example of what happens when two guys who are not adequately prepared for this type of sparring or competition get in there, even if they have extensive experience in the arts. Both could use more pressure training under adrenal stress as well.
FCFN is a respectable show but we didn't see anything in that fight that showed anyone destroyed anyone, literally we didn't see anything! the camera was too far back to see what happened.
I also have to ask does Grant Waterman know you have his highlight reel on your website?
More pointless bickering eh? Well, I've said it before and I'll say it again...KEMPO IS THE BEST, most lethal, brutal, viscious, insidious, effective martial art CASE CLOSED! Does that end the bickering? Good! Now heat up the Bar B Q and lets eat!

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