Taegeuk poomse video

Thanks for the link. that is very helpful.

but i'm still looking for DVD recommendations. I'm looking for something I can watch at full screen on my TV or my notebook.
Dartfish Taekwondo

DvD set of all Taegeuk poomse and Yudanja poomse. Little on the pricy side; however it is quite well done and offers alot of information about the poomse. Also directly put out by Kukkiwon. Dartfish is the development company
If you get the Kukkiwon textbook (hardcover) you get the 2 videotapes. They cover basic motions and all Taegueks and Black Belt poomsae as currently practiced at Kukkiwon. The performer is Grandmaster Lee, Chong Kwan who teaches the physical portion of the Foreigner Instructor Course. If you go to the Kukkiwon's website, you can see these poomsae performed as shown on the videotapes.

The Dartfish dvds mentioned previously were produced by the WTF. There are some differences in how the poomsae are performed there versus as done by the Kukkiwon. The performers in the DVDs are Grandmaster Lee, Kyu Hyun (who previously taught the poomsae portion of the Foreign Instructor Course) and Master Jung, Kuk Hyun (legendary competitor).

The Kukkiwon is not the same thing as the WTF.

Miles said:
The Kukkiwon is not the same thing as the WTF.


Really? I thought they were one and the same. Go figure. I know my dojang teaches the Taegeuks a little different from the Kukkiwon, except for Taegeuk 8. What is the differences (as far as the WTF and Kukkiwon, that is)?
The Kukkiwon is the governing body over the federations such as the WTF, USNTF, and the USTU.

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