“However, i'm still curious as to what the training will cover?”
You have not been to a Systema seminar but perhaps you can ask Eric what one is like. Asking for specifics is silly. For me to give specifics would be to write a book as there is so much covered.
This will sound confusing to those that have never trained in Systema but the drills are created so that people will be working on different things according to their understanding even while they all do the same drill. We do NOT do theme seminars at Systema NW. I leave the specifics up to the hosted instructor. We have a very very loose outline but as far as specifics there are too many variables to do that, how many people showed up, what their experience levels are and what the crowds conditioning is and where their interest and focus at any specific moment lie. A good Systema seminar is flexible so that all can enjoy and learn even while they are working and a good instructor will be able to sense what the group needs and adjust as he goes, I do not limit their expertise by holding them to a preconceived notion of what will be needed but trust to their knowledge and experience. Many a time at different seminars where the instructors are free to lead the instruction I have seen the instructors come up with great drills to handle a specific problem or question that has arisen. Many of these ‘gems’ of drills and exercises and insights that appeared with the spontaneity and creativity that Systema is known for have made the price of the seminar and all the inconveniences of long distance traveling seem as nothing.
People may want to come and join us and exploring the tactics, theory, and practice of hand to hand combat, conventional weaponry, improvised weapons, body-guarding and some of the many specialized exercises that is Systema and its methods. People may want to come to experience Sonny’s interpretation of Systema. People may want to show up to satisfy a curiosity or craving or to challenge themselves to live and experience outside of their normal range of ‘doing’.
People should leave their preconceived notions at the door when they enter our school. I have found that people who only want to attend ‘theme’ (knife fighting, ground fighting, whatever) seminars to be, if you will please pardon me for saying, boring. They show up with preconceived notions of what to expect and so are all too often mentally closed to learning what is before them as they look for what they are expecting instead of what they are seeing. They waste their time and more importantly they waste mine.
Another aspect is that hosting these seminars is a lot of fÂ’n work, if I know exactly what to expect I lose a chance to feel that tingle of waiting for the unknown for the chance to step out of my own comfort zone and explore my own fears and expectations and ego. If I excerpt to much control I stand to corrupt this valuable experience. One of the reasons to bring out these very experienced instructors is so that they can help me see through their eyes what my group of students need as well as what I need, if I constrict the instructor in what they can cover, I restrict what I can learn.
If you have any other questions feel free to give me a call or drop me an e-mail you have both my phone number and e-mail address or better yet drop by the school and get a taste. You are to close to be a stranger.
See you on the floor soon
Brian King