Mabuti po!!!
I started studying Arnis Lanada when I was a student at Tufts University in 1985. I would ride the bus to Boston. I have now forgotten the gentleman's name, but he was an elderly African American and not a Filipino. I do remember studying in a room in one of the hospitals.
I then transfered to UC Berkeley and took a few classes with the Doce Pares Club and a seminar with Cacoy Canete, but Church obligations prevented me from pursuing further.
I then moved to San Diego and studied with an Irish American named Ron or Tom (my memory is not what it used to be) sometime around 1992, but after he accidently hit his Filipino wife in the eye, my wife and I decided to stop training.
When I went to the Philippines to study in the ministry, one of the deacons under me named nicknamed Sadig was one of the instructors of a system called Pekita Tirsia, but he combined his instruction along with a system he had studied under a former Communist commander who was from Cebu.
I am now currently assigned as a pastor in Canada and I am planning to begin training again in arnis with an elderly Filipino named "Ka Nestor" who has no name to his system.