sword forms



This is a dumb question, I know, but in many tournaments, I have seen Chinese stylists doing a sword form with a flimsy looking tin appearing, flexable sword.

What is the purpose of this weapon, and why is it not rigid like other swords?
They were probably using what is commonly referred to as a "wushu" sword. These swords are indeed flimsy. They are made light in order to be manipulated quickly in competition. The classical taiji sword (jian) is somewhat flexible, but not to the extent of the wushu swords.

Trying to avoid life's potholes,
Randy Strausbaugh
Not all chinese weapons are "wushu steal". In fact in our tournaments, if it cannot stand on its own weight, you can't use it to compete with. Wooden weapons have a different reason for being flexable.

i hate the sword at my 2nd tourament I ever went to when i use to do weapons the guy one using that sword. When I seen him again 2 years later he was the same rank doing the same sword form and he won but i was not doing weapons this time
professional competitor...
actually....the weapons division is never clearly orginized because of the lack of competitors....red belt is not really a beginner....so they put them into the advanced......but could really be a beginner at that weapon....