Supreme Court will be taking the issue of the 2nd amendment head on...

Please... you couldn't afford the gas to get it one way. :D

SHHH! I think the banks are looking for people with credit that are not over extended to offer them loans. I could take a second mortgage to get it to work and and third to get it home. :D ;)

But it would be fun. I was actually in a FOX on main roads for about 4 miles from one location to another and you would not believe the safe zone everyone offered us. :) :angel:
I suspect that the SCOTUS justices have already made up their minds.

Roberts, Scalia, Alito, Thomas, and Kennedy will vote in the affirmative, that the Second Amendment is an individual right.

Ginsburg, Breyer, Stevens, and Souter will vote in the nay column, asserting that the Constitution does not apply to individuals.

5-4 decision coming your way (in favor of the Second Amendment) in June. :) Good timing, since O'Connor would have been a swing vote, instead of Alito's solid pro-2nd vote.
So far they all seem to be leaning towards the "2AM is a real individual right". The differences seem to be over what restrictions can be placed on that right.

The Bush Administration's official representative - you know, the gun-loving GOP - is coming out in favor of a triangulated position that would do the Senator from New York proud. Yes, it'a an individual right. But no, the ban should stay as it is a perfectly reasonable restriction.

As for the Constitution applying to individuals, even a stopped clock is right twice a day. Clarence "Uncle" Thomas never opens his mouth and does whatever Scalia tells him. He and his massa have already declared themselves unfit to be on the Court by stating that the Bible (as opposed to the Constitution) is the highest authority and that the government gets its fundamental authority from G-d rather than the consent of the governed. They are violating their oaths every day they sit there.

Bush's wholly-owned Court has worked consistently against the First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth and Tenth Ammendments, defecated on the idea othe Separation of Powers and engaged in the most blatant conflicts of interest I have ever heard of on the High Court. Scalia refused to recuse himself in a case involving personal friends and one in which a relative was making arguments before the Court.

But it doesn't matter. As long as they say the "correct" things about guns they're sticking up for the Constitution.

Color me unimpressed.
One thing to say: Liberty or Death.

The reason the constitution guarantees the right to bear arms, is so we can defend ourselves from the government. To take that right away is exactly the kind of offense that calls for armed resistance. Never mind the fact that we've already let them take away most of our civil liberties. It has to stop somewhere. Like Heston expressed, if they want our guns they should have to pry them from our cold dead hands. There is no point in living life as a subject.
For anyone interested, this site has a list of all the briefs filed in support of either side. Clicking on the individual links will take you to a PDF file of the brief.

Thanks KenpoTex.

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