What is the right formula for athlete intake on eating? I mean my son zach is eating about 2800 calories a day and taken simple suppliments like protien shakes and a muscle builder and a antioxcident treatment, but he wants to put on about 10-15 lbs over the neaxt 6 months in muscle and strength? He is 16 and trains for three hours a day one hour with wieghts and two on the floor everyday. he has a trainer that helps him a couple days a week and me, we are finding out it is hard for him to put on the wieght. He is a better fighter at 131-139 than he is below the 131 mark, he has more quickness and feels better but fighting under is hard because you must make wieght so for him to fight that bracket he need to be there and not just wear two layers of clothes at wieghin. Any help is appreciated.