Mmm ... Victoria Principle in the 80's ... now there's a topic worth getting hot under the collar about

Guess that means I don't care about comic books very much :lol:.
Well that is true. Call them "graphic novels" if you wish and add in all the 'adult themes' you want, they're still for 'big kids' who can't read very well

More seriously, I know some people take these things very seriously indeed as an art form but is it possible they are having a bad effect on other creative industries, primarily film making?
Quite a few films I've seen over the past few years suffer from comic-book-frame-itus, a malfunction that affects directors, such that they can only tell a story in terms of 'cell-by-cell-set-pieces'. Of course, that has been facilitated by the rise in special effects technologies. Combining the two negative influences leads to films that look flash, with pseudo-dramatic sections strung loosely together but which fail to have 'satisfying' content, even if it tastes nice at the point of consumption - the filmic equivalent of Chinese food maybe?