This is a speech about the sunrising and sunsetting.
This isn't my first or last speech.
I. Am. Ready.
The sun will. Set tonight.
When (win metaphor) the sun rises you shall rise and be ready to start a new journey w/me.
I. Can. Do. This.
I. Can. Help. You. Make. It. More. Then. Being. A. Fighter. Or. Pro. Fighter.
Honor Vow Pact
Now. Get. Ready!!
This isn't my first or last speech.
I. Am. Ready.
The sun will. Set tonight.
When (win metaphor) the sun rises you shall rise and be ready to start a new journey w/me.
I. Can. Do. This.
I. Can. Help. You. Make. It. More. Then. Being. A. Fighter. Or. Pro. Fighter.
Honor Vow Pact
Now. Get. Ready!!