Successfully Passed My First Test!

Shinobi Teikiatsu

Green Belt
Hey guys,

I just wanted to let you all know that I had my first test in Kajukenbo (and indeed my first belt test ever, since my last school didn't have them) two weeks ago, and I passed with flying colors. I passed on to yellow belt, and am eagerly mastering all my material to do even better on my next test.

I've been in Kajukenbo for about six months, and I love the art, especially the heavy emphasis my teacher places on conditioning; I've never been in better shape.
Good for you Rob, it sounds like your loving it. Congratulations.
Congratulations... keep moving along your journey. It'll be well worth it along the way. :asian:
Congratulations! Your first milestone in the journey! :asian:

Its a great feeling, isn't it? :)
Congratulations! I remember my first belt test in Kajukenbo. I was NERVOUS to say the least. Good luck in your studies!
How does it feels???? awesome right!! lat april I did my orange belt in Kenpo Karate and even I am BB in TKD I was so nervos like the first time, I did a good examintaion like you and afther the examination I felt so good.
Congratulations and keep going, and enjoy the journey.

Congratulations! That may be the best feeling other than Black Belt I Just had 8 students test and do great. As a teacher it is an awesome feeling to see my students do great. happy for you.

Hey you don't happen to live in South Carolina do you there is a Kajukenbo school near Greenville. just wondering, I think you all have beautiful forms.
Remember, every journey in life starts with a "First Step".
Do not stop going, keep training and attending!
Soon you will be black belt!

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