Submissions wanted for September MT Mag

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Just an update, the deadlines fast approaching.

We've gotten some good stuff in so far. Still have room for more, so please, send it in.

Kenpo is one of the hottest forums here, and this issue is for you folks.

Some ideas:
So far, we've features 2 notables from the FMA in our tribute section. Has anyone writen or can someone write a 1-2 page mini-bio on Mr. Parker or one of the seniors who are no longer with us?

Who are the 'hot up and comers' in the art? A 1 page "Instructor Profile" would be great too.

A "Whos Who" maybe?

Technique breakdowns and extentions are always good.

Also, please make sure we have your school and school or organizational events listed on either the schools page or in the events list. :)

Deadline for the September issue is Aug 20th.

Thank you.
could you use a kenpo related panel cartoon??? Id be happy to offer one up
Sure. Humor and artwork are both greatly apreciated. :)
Something else I wanted to note cuz, well, I just thought of it. :)

I know alot of us have websites and have writen something for our students, friends, or whoever. Please, feel free to submit it too. Just because you already had it up on your site, doesn't mean its not submitable. You retain the copyright.

This magazine is for you.

I know there was just a kenpo camp in NY, and the IKCs were a few weeks back, and just before that was 'Homecoming'. Anyone want to do some writeups and include some good pics?

Trust me, if I get so much stuff in I have to have 3 kenpo issues, I won't be upset at all. :)

Ok, Last call for articles for the September issue. I start putting things together on Monday the 25th, so if you haven't sent it in yet, please do so ASAP!

Right now, I desparately need some pictures of Mr. Parker Sr. that I can use in this issue. Also, would love some pics from either Homecoming or the IKC's.

Thank you!
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
Some ideas:
So far, we've features 2 notables from the FMA in our tribute section. Has anyone writen or can someone write a 1-2 page mini-bio on Mr. Parker or one of the seniors who are no longer with us?

Who are the 'hot up and comers' in the art? A 1 page "Instructor Profile" would be great too.

A "Whos Who" maybe?

Well too late for the september issue, but you have my permission to use any article you find in the Who's Who section of my site. It's categorized by lineage.

Also I have an article that I wrote as a tribute to John McSweeney here.

I only ask that you use the articles only written by me which is most of them (as I do not have permission to give out the others). If you want something specific, email me and I'll try to contact the author.

And of course, if you could give credit to my site. :)