Stupid Question for the LEO on the Board...


MTS Alumni
I ride a motorcylce. Been shopping for some new gloves, and I saw some Icon TiMax Gloves... Motorcycle gauntlets with Titanium Knuckles and Finger protection.

As a LEO officer, if you stopped a guy, and saw him with these gloves, would you raise an issue for it?

I mean, technically, they are "Metal Knuckles"... and the last time I looked, that is pretty much not legal, most places. But in this case, they are for the rider's protection, not designed as a weapon...

What do you think?

(Yes, I am debating purchasing some of these gloves, as opposed to a pair with carbon fibre knuckles and finger guards)
I wouldnt make an issue out of it, unless they were used in a fight as a weapon. Just for possession? Nah.
I'm not a LEO but will throw in my two bits for what it's worth.
Since I usually carry a knife on my person, technically it could be considered as a weapon. But if I'm ever asked about it, and I have been from time to time I always tell whomever that it is a tool. It is the intent of whatever you carry that (to me) determines if it is a weapon or not... unless it's pretty obvious like a gun, a sword or nunchuckus, etc. Things that are made to be weapons. Knives I think are a sticky. Even if I get into a fight that is broken up by LEO's and they find a knife on my person, if it wasn't pulled out or opened (say it fell to the ground out of my pocket during the *ahem* struggle) then presumably it could be argued in court that I was carrying a tool like a leatherman or a box cutter.
The gloves you mention could be construded as a weapon if you used them in a fight, but then you probably didn't have time to take them off since many fights happen without warning. How good is your defense lawyer may help out in court. Say you may have a history of having an accident with your bike, thus you felt the need to have better protection for your hands, and other parts of your body (natch), you felt at the time of purchase that these gloves would serve you well should you get into an accident, that was the intent that you bought them and has always been the intent while you wore them. :idunno:
I think your attitude with any LEO that pulls you over or whatever reason they question you about them...if at all... will also help or hinder the determination to your intent with those gloves.
Just because one wears a trench coat dosn't make him part of the trench coat Mafia. Nor does someone have to be Muslum to be a terrorist.

So you see, if you say someone wearing those gloves is gonna hurt someone then your just profiling and profiling is wrong. You cannot punish someone for crimes that they did not commit.
Are they gloves designed to be worn as hand protection for a motorcycle? The reason I ask is that the "metal knuckles" law refers to brass knuckles or lead sap gloves that only have one purpose and that is to be used as a weapon.

I would say that you would be alright (assuming you don't get some anal-retentive officer that wants to write/arrest for everything under the sun) wearing them while riding your bike. Now, if you are just wearing them around and not on your bike it may cause other concerns, but if you are using them as they are made to be used, I'd say you're fine.
Punisher, yeah, they are most definatly motorcycle gloves...

what concerned me was the wording "Metal Knuckles" in the law regarding brass knuckles.
Thing is, those illegal weapons like brass knuckles and things are also illegal to sell. So if you bought these gloves legally, then I guess they're OK. I mean, they weren't intended to be a weapon, but if someone attacks me and I happen to have my toolbox handy, they might get stabbed with a screwdriver, which might qualify as a dangerous implement, but certainly not a weapon. Same with a car. It's a tool for transportation, not a weapon for hurting or killing; but, if you try to run someone over, you can still get charged with assault with a deadly weapon. As MACaver wrote, I also think that intent plays a major role. Unfortunately, I'm not a lawyer or LEO, so that stuff is just opinion.
I would not give you any problems for wearing those type of gloves. You are using those gloves for a legitamite purpose. MACarver is correct that intent plays a factor. If for some reason you were a "bad" guy and chose to punch somebody with your gloves on, in my state not only would you be arrested for the assault but you could technically be charged with possession of instruments of a crime for using the gloves. I know your a good guy though so you really have nothing to worry about.

Hey your a ninja so if you get puled over just disapear.
Ok don't realy have anything to ad here so have fun.
You are correct Someguy, LEO stands for law enforcement officer.

Hi Technopunk,
I would check with the local Law Enforcement and the State Highway Patrol.

Some cities and counties are tough on weapons of that sort and others are not.

If it was me I would not want to be the test case. Nor come across a guy looking for a number, another spot to check is one of the local HD dealers.

I think it is a good question.

My thoughts, Gary
Technopunk said:
I ride a motorcylce. Been shopping for some new gloves, and I saw some Icon TiMax Gloves... Motorcycle gauntlets with Titanium Knuckles and Finger protection.

As a LEO officer, if you stopped a guy, and saw him with these gloves, would you raise an issue for it?

I mean, technically, they are "Metal Knuckles"... and the last time I looked, that is pretty much not legal, most places. But in this case, they are for the rider's protection, not designed as a weapon...

What do you think?

(Yes, I am debating purchasing some of these gloves, as opposed to a pair with carbon fibre knuckles and finger guards)
A little off the subject but I'm not a big fan of those gloves. I much prefer Alpinestars GP-Pro or GP-Plus gloves. Much lighter and way more comfortable and every bit as much protection. I've had a pair of GP-Plus gloves for about 6 years, been down twice and they're still in great shape.

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