Study: More sex may help damaged sperm

Rich Parsons

A Student of Martial Arts
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Oct 13, 2001
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From the following Link:;_ylt=As1bpAS2Pvot.jV28m7NRBoDW7oF

LONDON – For men with fertility problems, some doctors are prescribing a very conventional way to have a baby: more sex.
In a study of 118 Australian men with damaged sperm, doctors found that having sex every day for a week significantly reduced the amount of DNA damage in their patients' sperm. Previous studies have linked better sperm quality to higher pregnancy rates.


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Sneaky way of getting it more often I think... :lfao:

:idunno: "Well hunny, the doctors said..."
Does the study indicate if there was a difference in quality when there was a partner involved, compared to when there wasn't?
Does the study indicate if there was a difference in quality when there was a partner involved, compared to when there wasn't?

I was gonna ask that... or if it was just based on getting rid of "old, dusty little Sea Men just hanging out" in favor of a fresh crop of recruits.

I'd assume the latter, but then again, our Brains do crazy things that tie into our body as far as sex goes, so...
I'll take a $100k grant and research that for a few months.
I expect the budget to be interesting. LOL
I was gonna ask that... or if it was just based on getting rid of "old, dusty little Sea Men just hanging out" in favor of a fresh crop of recruits.

I'd assume the latter, but then again, our Brains do crazy things that tie into our body as far as sex goes, so...

Yeah, it's nuts when you think of all the things the brain can do. But, I think you may be on the ball with your first statement.
Yeah, a 100k will buy a lot of KY and tissue!

In that case...I'll take the grant and request all test subjects come directly from the Playboy Mansion. :)


"Mr. Hubbard, this first item of your budget, listed as 'assistants', what was that for exactly?"

"4 weeks at the Bunny Ranch Senator. Misty says 'Hi', btw."

"Ahem, yes, well, in any event, what was this second item, 'equipment'" for?"

"4 weeks worth of Hustler TV, 48 oz of lube, 4 boxes of tissues, and some muscle rub for my wrist and shoulder Senator. Same as yours."
