Strikeforce: For 'King Mo,' fighting is all about the fun

Clark Kent

<B>News Bot</B>
12-17-2009 11:26 AM:
Muhammed "King Mo" Lawal is making his Strikeforce debut against heavyweight Mike Whitehead this Saturday in San Jose, and he has one goal in mind: having fun.

"People like to worry about winning and losing, that doesn't mean anything," Lawal told Cagewriter. "It's a sport. You're going to win sometime, and you're going to lose sometime. If you have fun, it doesn't matter if you win or lose. If you have fun, you're always winning."

For proof, Lawal looks to the top pound-for-pound fighter in the world.

"Anderson Silva looks like he's always having fun, doesn't he? And he's always winning."

Lawal plans on having fun against Whitehead, and isn't concerned about Whitehead's size,or the fact that Whitehead has fought in 30 bouts.

"Size and experience don't matter, because every fight's a new fight. With the size, we'll see if he has the proper skill set to win that fight. If I have the proper skill set to win, I will. If I don't, I'll lose. I think I've got the proper skill set to win. But experience? I'm not worried about that. He hasn't fought anyone like me."

If he wins or loses on Saturday, Lawal is not concerned about his popularity.

"People can think what they want to think. I can be the humanitarian of the year, and people will still hate me. I just go out there and have fun, do my thing, and satisfy the people who stay down with me, and my family. That's who I'm fighting for. Everybody else? All the bandwagon jumpers who talk [expletive] and then I prove myself to them, and then they jump on the bandwagon, they can go [expletive] themselves. I don't give a damn about them. I'm fighting for myself and for those who believe in me."

Beyond being one of MMA's hottest prospects, Lawal is a huge fan of all combat sports. Wrestling, boxing, kickboxing -- he'll watch it all. What he won't watch, though, is a reality show that only gives him ten minutes of fighting.

"I'm not going to sit and watch a reality show like 'The Ultimate Fighter' that has 10 minutes of fighting when I could watch a real fight. If you watch the K-1 card, you can't tell me it wasn't the best thing this year. The K-1 heavyweight grand prix was the best combat show this year."

After this fight is over, he plans on heading to Holland to train stand-up with some of kickboxing's best, and after that, he is ready for whatever Strikeforce sends his way.

Yahoo! Sports.
Cagewriter is an MMA blog edited by Steve Cofield.