

White Belt
Jul 9, 2010
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Ok guys im 34 yrs old and not as flexable as i use to be i guess.I started back last june in the martial arts training now in TKD.My question can i get as fleable as some of the younger bucks?lol and if so how?Thanks for any input
unfortunately, as you get older your joints don't bend and flex the way the way they used to; however, if you spend 30 to 40 minutes of yoga/ stretching 3 or 4 times a week you can certainly improve.

I'm 48 and have been taking TKD lessons for 15 year and thought I was fairly flexible until I started a new fitness program (p90x) for cross training. The "Yoga" and "Stretch" programs have greatly improved my flexibility.
could i find any vids like on youtube that would show me the streaches to do??Thanks
could i find any vids like on youtube that would show me the streaches to do??Thanks

I'm sure you can if you look, but be honest with yourself about your physical abilities. If you are not naturally particularly flexible, you probably will not be without doing some damage to your body. Flexibility is a result of a number of physical factors, only some of which you can safely improve upon. Become comfortable with the range of motion you do have and slowly improve upon that. Your goal should not be a standing split, it should be a better, more accurate, and more versatile kicking technique.

Flexibility will naturally improve with regular exercise, so exercise regularly.Just understand that a lot of martial artists get hip replacements as they age, patience is a virtue. There are a number of books you can get at Barnes and Noble, and I'm sure you can find videos everywhere. Don't worry about the younger, more atheltic, players.

As your techniques improve let them worry about you.

Yoga is your answer man. There's no system that does what it does for flexibility, joint health and overall fitness. It's not all that difficult to learn either. A yoga workout is usually a set of stretches and muscle building done in a sequence that is repeated (usually 12 times starting slow and more relaxed and in every go round you up the intensity). So once you learn a bunch of the movements you can make your own sequence and do your own.

I suggest you take a few classes, it's not something you can learn from a book because of the specific nature of how you move. Just like karate it can't be taught in pictures or video but once you have it down the sky is the limit.