Yellow Belt
Sticks and Syles - Does Size matter? (or: mine is longer then yours
just wanted to start a Discussion on the Topic of Stick-Length/Size....
During my Training with different Groups of Balintawak I have seen, that different Groups/Lineages use different sized Sticks - even though they are all Balintawak; some Examles:
-The Taboada Line uses a rather short Stick (appx. 60-65cm)
-The Tabimina Line uses a rahter short Stick (appx. 60-65cm) that is Conical (thinner at the Tip)
-The Nickelstick Line uses a "standard" Size (70-75cm)
-The Atillo Line uses a rather long Stick (80-85cm)
What Size/Length do you preferr?
Do you individualize your Stick?
Do you go by "I do as my Teacher does"?
Where do you see the Advantages / disantvantages of the different Sizes?
Why did the different Sizes develope within the Balintawak Comunity?
I`d be happy to read any thoughts on this...
My personal Point of View:
I mainly use "Standart" Sized Sticks - for one, out of habit - because I ve been working with those for many years before I even heard, thought or found out about "individualized" Sticks and Size Variations; for another, the "Standart" size happens to fit my personal Body Size pretty well - so I am fine with it and can use it in many different Aspects of FMA Training (not just Balintawak) as well without having to always grab a different Weapon (yes - I am too lazy to run to my Bag and grab some other Stick
Aside this "habbitual use" I love changing length - sometimes using a 60cm Stick for a period of time, some other time a 85cm Stick; I do this mainly to work on the Advantages and Disandvantages of each Stick/Weapon (Small/Short: Easy to use very very close in and extremly fast to handle but less reach and impact/power, Long: rather slow, more bodymechanics needed for offense and defense but more powerfull Strikes and longer reach), adjusting to ist qualitys in speed, timing as well as Distance/Weapon awareness... etc.
I believe these Attributes are very Important when it comes to "Self Defense" Application/Situations of "grab whatever weapon is at hand" - which I personally see more likely to happen than me ending up in "Cebuano Death Match" like Stickfighting Challange, with the need to have perfected the use of my personal weapon; knowing the exact length, weight etc.
Looking forward to your Comments and Ideas!
Philipp "Mono" Wolf

just wanted to start a Discussion on the Topic of Stick-Length/Size....
During my Training with different Groups of Balintawak I have seen, that different Groups/Lineages use different sized Sticks - even though they are all Balintawak; some Examles:
-The Taboada Line uses a rather short Stick (appx. 60-65cm)
-The Tabimina Line uses a rahter short Stick (appx. 60-65cm) that is Conical (thinner at the Tip)
-The Nickelstick Line uses a "standard" Size (70-75cm)
-The Atillo Line uses a rather long Stick (80-85cm)
What Size/Length do you preferr?
Do you individualize your Stick?
Do you go by "I do as my Teacher does"?
Where do you see the Advantages / disantvantages of the different Sizes?
Why did the different Sizes develope within the Balintawak Comunity?
I`d be happy to read any thoughts on this...
My personal Point of View:
I mainly use "Standart" Sized Sticks - for one, out of habit - because I ve been working with those for many years before I even heard, thought or found out about "individualized" Sticks and Size Variations; for another, the "Standart" size happens to fit my personal Body Size pretty well - so I am fine with it and can use it in many different Aspects of FMA Training (not just Balintawak) as well without having to always grab a different Weapon (yes - I am too lazy to run to my Bag and grab some other Stick

Aside this "habbitual use" I love changing length - sometimes using a 60cm Stick for a period of time, some other time a 85cm Stick; I do this mainly to work on the Advantages and Disandvantages of each Stick/Weapon (Small/Short: Easy to use very very close in and extremly fast to handle but less reach and impact/power, Long: rather slow, more bodymechanics needed for offense and defense but more powerfull Strikes and longer reach), adjusting to ist qualitys in speed, timing as well as Distance/Weapon awareness... etc.
I believe these Attributes are very Important when it comes to "Self Defense" Application/Situations of "grab whatever weapon is at hand" - which I personally see more likely to happen than me ending up in "Cebuano Death Match" like Stickfighting Challange, with the need to have perfected the use of my personal weapon; knowing the exact length, weight etc.
Looking forward to your Comments and Ideas!
Philipp "Mono" Wolf