Steve Leventhal


Senior Master
Jan 15, 2005
Reaction score
I never thought I would be writing in here.

Steve Leventhal, 27, was pronounced brain dead on Sunday, june 11. He went to sleep on saturday evening and never woke up. His exact cause of death is still unknown. Steve was one of my favorite instructors and was friendly and helpful towards all. He was a 3rd degree black belt and one of the best instructors a girl could ever ask for. He was intelligent and funny, and a master at storytelling. He will be missed and remembered forever.

Please keep his family, students, and fellow instructors in your thoughts and prayers.
I offer peace & well kept memories. Keep the dream alive & the art of your teacher -you will be able to emulate. This is an honor In it self. May it be well with you.

** moderator note: post edited for content out of respect for the originating poster and the deceased so named **
** G Ketchmark / shesulsa
** MT Senior Moderator
Oh my gosh Sam I am so sorry.

It was only a few days ago where you were IM'ing me in my hotel room telling me stories about him. This is very shocking.

I can't imagine how heartbreaking it is to lose an instructor.

Steve, his family and friends, his school...and you, Sam, are in my prayers. :asian:
I am so sorry for the loss of your instructor, Sam. :( I will keep his family and friends in my prayers. IM me if you want to talk...
I am so sorry for the loss of your instructor. My thoughts and prayers are with his family, friends, and students. :asian: