Steve Blackman fomer wwf star


3rd Black Belt
Ok does anyone watch wrestling at all? If so do you know a wrestler named steve blackman he was big in 99-2000 and now he has seemed to leave with out a trace. Now I did a yahoo search for him and a few places said he was going to open his own self defense school. Has anyone heard about this or do you have any info about it. I realy want to go and learn from him cause he does 2 things I love most Martial Arts And pro wrestling
Or if you seen him I know he was a tourament in New Jersey Last Jan but I missed it do u know if he is coming to any more coming up?

Well I remember him quite well. He looked to be a good martial artist. If I'm not mistaken they announced him as a 3rd black in kenpo:confused: . It was either him or Perry Saturn (I can't remember which) . Yes as of anything recent he hasn't been around. Was he from your area in MI? If he is see if you can check him out and please let us know about your experiences.:)
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
Well I remember him quite well. He looked to be a good martial artist. If I'm not mistaken they announced him as a 3rd black in kenpo:confused: . It was either him or Perry Saturn (I can't remember which) . Yes as of anything recent he hasn't been around. Was he from your area in MI? If he is see if you can check him out and please let us know about your experiences.:)

Actually, both Perry Saturn and Steve Blackman are kenpo black belts if I'm not mistaken. I think they are EPAK, but I'm not positive about that. Evidently Blackman has been helping out with new talent in some of the WWE's development systems (like Ohio Valley) due to some chronic injuries, but is reported to be back soon. The self defense school would make sense, but I believe he is training wrestlers as well.

From what I remember, he was wicked with a shinai ("Singapore Cane" in WWE-speak).
Originally posted by TallAdam85
nope he left wrestling and for some reason is not talking about why to any websites
he was my fav

That is interesting. I wonder if it's a contract thing?

Steve Blackman To Make Comeback To WWE?
Story By: Matt Boone
September 23, 2003

The following is from

HERSHEY, Pa. – Sept. 21, 2003 – Former WWE Superstar Steve Blackman, a resident of Pennsylvania, came to Unforgiven tonight to see friends he hasn’t seen in a year and a half.

The “Lethal Weapon” attended a SmackDown! event here a few months ago, but he hadn’t seen the RAW crew since injuries forced him to leave the company nearly two years ago.

“I live about 10 miles from here,” Blackman said. Referring to his former “Head Cheese” tag team partner, Al Snow, he joked, “I came to bust Al’s balls.”

The former Hardcore Champion was sidelined due to severe migraine headaches. According to doctors, the headaches are caused because of bone spurs and other problems in his neck and spinal cord area. While he was competing, heÂ’d get them 10 times a month; these days, he gets one every six to eight weeks, he said.

Recently, Blackman has gotten in touch with Kurt Angle and Dr. Hae-Dong Jho of Pittsburgh. Dr. Jho performed surgery on Angle last April; the Olympic gold medalist was able to successfully return to the ring two months later, and the operation is being viewed more and more as a miracle procedure. Blackman is considering – even leaning toward – having the surgery, which, if successful, would cure him of the headaches, and pave the way for a possible return.

“I might just go out and have it done,” Blackman said, adding that he talked to Dr. Jho just three days ago and could have the surgery in the next month or two.

If Blackman has the surgery, he’d take a few months to recover and then go to Ohio Valley Wrestling in Louisville, Ky., WWE’s minor league, to test out his body. If he can remain headache free, he would be able to return to WWE for “one last run.”

But nothing is certain, and Blackman has other options should he decide not to attempt to return. He currently teaches karate and submission fighting two days a week at Fitness Firm, a gym in Harrisburg, Pa. And he was recently offered the opportunity to work as a fight choreographer for a few movies in Hollywood.