starting muay thai?


White Belt
Hi guys so im starting muay, im 15,i have been kickboxing since 7 and boxing since 13, how long do you think i will have to be training before i get in the ring?
Also how long are the regular fights?
Is their a national championship in the uk?
thanx dan
Welcome to the world of muay. Don't get to hung up on a time frame for being ready to fight. It varies from person-to-person. It will depend on your skill, your conditioning, your maturity and most of all, your instructor. A good instructor will not allow a student to fight unless he feels, without a doubt, that they are ready and can handle it. Pro fights are 5 rounds, 3 minutes long. Amatuer fights can vary from 3-5 rounds, 2-3 minutes long depending on who is putting them on.
Like Thaistyle said for an amateur fight rounds kind of vary, but every fight ive had was 5x3minute rounds. I'm sure there is a UK national championship. Time before a fight will really depend on what your kru thinks.