Yes , I feel your pain and I mean that literally.
I have had one for several months and it still hasn't healed yet , but that is because I am idiot that still keeps on training it and re-injuring it.
Plus the fact that when you have an annoying little injury like this it acts as a magnet and you are always hitting it or catching it on something.
I accidentally hit it on the gear shift in the car the other night and the sudden searing pain nearly made me pass out , with all the swearing I was doing the other motorists must have thought I was some lunatic road rager.
You could probably try the standard things like icing it up etc , the problem with strapping it up is that sometimes your going to need to use that hand and you have to keep taking it off all the time.
Its just going to need rest and time to heal , thats all there is to it.
You can probably still train , but be sure to only limit yourself to training leg techniques and keep your hands right out of it for a while.