


I was curious if anyone here has ever worked with the Spiridinov system,
is it still practiced commonly in Russia? I have heard that it has had a alot of influence on other Russian Arts, and would like to know more on the history of it, or Samoz. Any info or links to sites that offer information on this system would be appreciated.

I could be wrong here but I think he was a student of A. A. Kodachnikov, who then went on to develop R.O.S.S.
He was before Kadochnikov. Spiridonov is one of the engineers of modern russian martial arts along with Oschepev and Kharlempiev. In fact, I think that Kadochnikov may claim some lineage from Spiridonov's teachings.

The story goes that S had sustained injuries which left him in poor physical condition. As a result he developed a style that relied on sensitivity, deception, spirit and phsychology more than purely physical attributes.

Oschepev and Kharlempiev were physically impressive people, they became the fathers of the various forms of Sambo. Spiridonov's style came to be incorporated for more subtle and lethal work. Styles significantly influenced by Spiridonov include SAMOZ and possibly others.

but I could be wrong

As far is I can tell stories from this period (first half of the last century) are very murky, even dubious, because of the manner in which the bolsheviks manipulated the historical record. It is almost impossible to know what is real and what is fiction.

Clive - are you thinking of Retuinski? He was a student of K and as far as I know it was Retuinski that was behind ROSS.
Thanks for the replies,and I also have heard that Kadochnikov had some lineage with the Spiridonov system.From what material I have read about Spiridonov,it mentioned the injury during combat, by that of a bayonet.
Afterwards due to the injury, he looked to develop a system that would work for the injured, or for the weaker in physical status..a soft style. Here is a link that I found,http://www.vrazvedka.ru/main/learning/ruk-b/spiridonov.shtml it is all in Russian language, but there is some interesting historical photos on the site. Other than that, I have found very little info on this topic.
erich said:
Clive - are you thinking of Retuinski? He was a student of K and as far as I know it was Retuinski that was behind ROSS.

I must be, I think I may need brush up on my history..
Scott Sonnon is still teaching it"ROSS" here in the states, believe hes located in Atlanta Georgia?
Good luck to all looking for solid and unbiased info on evolution of RMA's from early 1900's to 1970's or so...
While few names (Spiridonov one of them) are most often associated with birth and evolution of Soviet combat methods, there were others, practically unknown, but not less influential on emergence of these methods.
ROSS and its founder Mr. R are no longer represented by Scott Sonnon. Scott has his RMAX, which according to Scott himself is not RMA, or not MA for that matter... And Scott is in WA state.
I'm not sure of anybody representing ROSS in the US at this time.
Clash, you are probably thinking of Matt Powell who lives in Atlanta and has studied with Kadochnikov in Russia. If you search this forum for his name I believe you will find a recent thread on his current activities.

I am not aware of any ROSS activity in North America at this time either but I am also curious. If anybody out there in cyber land knows of anything please post.

Thanks for your insight Sonny.
Thanks Sonny for the words of insight, and you are correct...it is hard to get a direct lineage on many of the Systems from Russia. I wasnt aware ROSS was no longer represented in the states by Scott Sonnon, I havent looked in to it in quite some time.Im not sure why I was thinking he was in Atlanta,I knew that Matt Powell was from the area.Sorry for incorrect info :idunno:
Is Scott's work more dedicated to sport and physical preparation now?

Regards, Daniel
i have both his softwork and Warrior Wellness DVD's. His material is very good and definetly helps explain a lot of the fundementals of what we do in Systema, i like it as a suplementry material to the Systema dvds but not as a substitute. Its definitly worth checking out. Although his claim about Softwork not been Rma is about as realistic as Al Quada converting to Christianity.
Good points, Sonny. I get the feeling when the story comes to light it will resemble How The Irish Saved Civilization.

Roughly, it would be like the DoD collecting Native American fighting and survival systems, running them through the scientific establishment, then teaching the result to the special forces.

Anyway, wherever it comes from, this is a great year for training in North America.
Ironman, I will definately have to look in to those videos that you mentioned.
Its been some time since I have seen any of Scott Sonnons work, likely why I wasnt aware he was no longer affilated with ROSS. I have an older video
"Introduction to Authentic Russian Martial Art" with Retuinskih demonstrating alot of principals of ROSS,along with Sonnon. There is alot of work with weapon disarment at the end.You can see how leverage principals apply with most Russian styles, the work is all very familar.

ahhh but remember his new material is Rmax not Rma (its got an 'X' at the end of it :ultracool , even the leverage principals :uhyeah: )
haha...but movement is movement,and scientific law is universal yeah? With or without a title, alot of the principles will relate,even with an X added to the end :)
Clash said:
haha...but movement is movement,and scientific law is universal yeah? With or without a title, alot of the principles will relate,even with an X added to the end :)

Assuming that Sonnon's material is scientifically sound, and therefore universal. To my eye, it looks more scientifix, than scientific.

If you have a Systema question, why not simply ask an instructor? Either on the mat, or via PM.