Spell Check



Is there a spell check feature? If not is there a way to incorporate mine? I'm a terrible speller and don't want to embarrass myself.
vB is -supposed to have a spellcheck feature, however its been disabled for some reason I can't recall. (they lost permision to use it, or something.)

Which spellchecker do you have? It might be possible to integrate it.

I tend to use the lazy way - cut/paste with MS Word, or just wing it. ;)

I'll do some digging the next few days and see if I can get some more info on that feature though, and how to add it.

ok, the spellcheck option installed in vB is no longer available. did a search at the support forums, and its no longer supported. Theres a few other options, but they all require serious server-side hacks, which are outside out reach at the moment. I'll keep my eyes open though for an option.
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
I tend to use the lazy way - cut/paste with MS Word, or just wing it.

Wing it--a Buffalo joke. I get it.

If you're online anyway, www.dictionary.com is a useful site for checking an individual word that you may be unsure of.