Special Guest Speaker at the Bob White Invitational Welcome Banquet! Please Read!


Orange Belt
Lifetime Supporting Member
As many of you may know, we at Bob White's Karate Studio are great admirers of Coach John Wooden and his teachings. We have the virtues espoused in his "Pyramid of Success" painted on the walls of our school and Mr. White uses many of Coach Wooden's ideas and sayings while teaching.

Coach Wooden may have coached basketball but his methods hold true in Kenpo, family, business or whatever else you choose to do. Think about some of the elements of The Pyramid and how they apply to life:

*Industriousness There is no substitution for Work
*Integrity Purity of Intent
*Competitive Greatness Be at your best when your best is needed
*Poise Being at ease in any situation. Never fighting yourself
And many others...this sounds a lot like Kenpo to me.

One of Coach Wooden's former players is a man named Andy Hill. Mr. Hill was a 3X national Champion at UCLA. However when he left UCLA he harbored some resentment towards Coach Wooden and the UCLA program due to not getting as much playing time as he thought he deserved. He did not speak to Coach Wooden for 25 years. Mr. Hill enjoyed a successful business career and was the President of CBS Entertainment where he developed such TV shows as "Walker Texas Ranger", "Touched by an Angel", and "Dr. Quinn - Medicine Woman". For more information of Andy Hill please seehttp://www.andyhillspeaks.com/home.html

After the aforementioned 25 years, Mr. Hill realized that he owed all his success in business and life to the things he learned from Coach Wooden. He reconnected with Coach and they became extremely close. In addition to his entertainment career, Mr. Hill co-authored the book "Be Quick But Dont Hurry Finding Success in the Teachings of a Lifetime" with Coach Wooden. Mr. Hill is currently a motivational speaker and has spoken all over the country as well as appeared on an HBO Special, Larry King and other TV shows. Some of his topics include:

"Lead Your Team to Greatness the John Wooden Way"
"The Teamwork Secret: Making the Impossible Possible"
"Ethics and Success: Choosing the Right Path to the Top"

We are extremely proud to announce that Andy Hill will be a guest speaker at the Welcome Banquet for the 6th Annual Bob White Invitational http://www.bobwhiteinvitational.com). The banquet will be held on Friday March 25, 2011 at the Seacliff Country Club in Huntington Beach. Having heard Mr. Hill speak, I can promise an enjoyable and informative evening.

Last year's banquet was a huge hit with perhaps the greatest gathering of Kenpo Seniors since Mr. Parker's passing. We were completely sold out with 200 guests in attendance. This year we have added capacity and will be able to accommodate 250 guests and all net proceeds from the banquet and tournament will once again be donated to the Royal Family Kids Camp http://www.rfkc.org). We will have on-line registration for the banquet available very soon and encourage anybody who is interested to reserve their spots as soon as possible.

The theme for this year's banquet will be closely linked to the values that Coach Wooden passed on to many people. Last year at the banquet we had an auction and one of the items was an autographed basketball that said "For the kids, John Wooden". I find it very fitting that one of the last autographs Coach signed resulted in an abused kid going to camp.

More information will be coming soon. If you would like to be on the mailing list for the Bob White Invitational, please send me a note at vishal@bwkenpo.com.

In the last 5 years the Kenpo community has helped us donate $211,000 to the RFKC and help hundreds of abused kids enjoy some peace and safety at the Camp. This year we hope to help even more kids.

I leave you with one final Wooden quote "Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing that you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming."

Thank you for your past support of the Bob White Invitational and we look forward to another great event.

For the kids,
Vishal Shukla
Tournament Director
I want to thank all of you that have contacted me already about being a part of our event. It makes me feel very proud to be a part of something that is helping children and as a result brings us closer together. As Mr. Shukla mentioned we have raised the capacity to 250 for the dinner and I have no doubt these tickets will be sold out. If you cannot make the dinner I hope your schedule allows you to attend the tournament the next day.
Bob White

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