Speakman? Where is he now and have you seen his latest?


2nd Black Belt
Apr 11, 2002
Reaction score
Missoula, Montana
Anyone know what he is up to now? Also has anyone seen his latest movie "Hot Boyz?" He plays Master Keaton and gets third billing with a bunch of rap stars. Or how about "Esape to Atlantis" "Land of the Free" or "Memorial Day". I'm currently looking for copies.
Originally posted by Hollywood1340

Anyone know what he is up to now? Also has anyone seen his latest movie "Hot Boyz?" He plays Master Keaton and gets third billing with a bunch of rap stars. Or how about "Esape to Atlantis" "Land of the Free" or "Memorial Day". I'm currently looking for copies.
I have seen Hot boyz, did not like it.
I have seen Escape, it was entertaining in a mindless sort of way.
I have seen Memorial Day, it was, well, bad.
Not sure if I have seen Land of the Free
My video store has copies, I'll check on Land of the Free next week
You (and I) just missed him at his camp.
I am hoping to discuss it in my thread here

I hope we can get Mr. C to report on this as he was there this weekend.

I think there is recognizeable Kenpo everywhere but Escape from Atlantis which I liked. It is a good "family"movie.

I also just re-watched Street Knight recently and it was pretty good.

I have seen them all except Land of the Free with Shatner. I confess I am disappointed in most of them.

But Running Red was also pretty good and I love the way he worked Taming Mace into the movie.
Don't remember for sure, but is Running Red where he plays an defected Spetz?

Got to see part of it before having to hit the hay the other night. Looked to be a good movie. Sorry I had to cut out on it...

Originally posted by Sigung86

Don't remember for sure, but is Running Red where he plays an defected Spetz?

I don't know what a "Spetz" is, but I guess it is a Russian, Commie, Soviet, KGB agent or something.

Yes, he plays a former Soviet I think.

The Internet Movie Database is really cool. If you have some questions, here is a link for Mr. Speakman.

They have Mr. Parker in there too.
This one lists him as Ed Parker II (because of another Ed Parker in the db who was a stuntman born in 1900).
There is on other separate listing with him as Edmund K. Parker, Sr. on the Perfect Weapon as Kenpo Technical Advisor.

I actually caught Escape from Atlantis, OMG, what a terrible movie. I spent the whole time thinking "its got to get better." I didn't think it was a family movie, it was more like a "why NOT to have a family." Bad dialogue, bad action, bad special effects, bad plot..... bleah.

Since then I haven't even tried to watch a Speakman movie.

Originally posted by cdhall

I don't know what a "Spetz" is, but I guess it is a Russian, Commie, Soviet, KGB agent or something.

Spetznaz ...He is referring to the Soviet version of Special Forces

Gene Gabel:asian:
This past weekend at his camp..... he is looking good and is working on a new movie..... He now has his own production company.

I don't know what a "Spetz" is, but I guess it is a Russian, Commie, Soviet, KGB agent or something.

Short for Spetsnaz or Voiska Spetsialnogo Naznachenia which means "Soldier of Special Purpose".

Spetsnaz doing Kenpo...that would be classic. ;)
How was his camp?? I would like to try to attend next year
Lots of instructors on and off the floor..... lots of friends, great food. Tons of fun.

Steve LaBounty, Tom Kelly, Huk Planas, Skip Hancock, Bob Liles, John Sepulveda, Frank Trejo, Doreen Cogliandro, Gilbert Valez, Gil Hibben, Ed Parker Jr., Tommy Chavies, Benny Urquidez "The Jet", Jaqui McVickar (England), Bob White, Paul Dye, Gokar, Jeff Speakman, and myself were all there..... (I hope I didn't forget anyone else... probably did).

Great seminars good info shared and worked on.

Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Lots of instructors on and off the floor..... lots of friends, great food. Tons of fun.

Steve LaBounty, Tom Kelly, Huk Planas, Skip Hancock, Bob Liles, John Sepulveda, Frank Trejo, Doreen Cogliandro, Gilbert Valez, Gil Hibben, Ed Parker Jr., Tommy Chavies, Benny Urquidez "The Jet", Jaqui McVickar (England), Bob White, Paul Dye, Gokar, Jeff Speakman, and myself were all there..... (I hope I didn't forget anyone else... probably did).

Great seminars good info shared and worked on.


I was trying to "organize" these comments under the thread I created at http://www.martialtalk.com/showthread.php?threadid=2231&referrerid=391

Can you copy your reply over there, sir?

I know there is a search function on this site, but I am not good at using it. This is partly why I created the thread, so I'd know where to look/what to subscribe to. :D