What do you guys think of "exotic" ammo for shotguns?
Total Novelty items? Useful at all? Just fun at the range, or dangerous to your shotgun?
I'm referring to rounds such as these seven examples:
12 GA. "Piranha"
This 12 gauge round contains dozens of razor sharp steel tacks that blast out at high velocity
12 Gauge Pit Bull
Pure Power! The Pit Bull is a powerful 12 gauge round packed with six 00-Buck pellets topped with a heavy-duty 1.3 oounce slug! Loaded extra hot
12 GA. Terminator-X
Upon impact, this slug mushrooms and expands to nearly 2 inches, stopping the slug from totally penetrating your objective. This rapid expansion forces the dozen of tiny pellets to spread through your objective
12 GA. "Armor Piercing"
This awesome round houses enough power to penetrate the thickest car doors, commercial steel doors and most objects up to 1/4" steel plate. This slug has a steel penetrator button, boosted by a very hot charge, has an unbelievable velocity to slice through metal
12 GA. “Flame Thower”
The 12 Ga. "Flame Thrower" round as pictured produces an enormous wall of fire for 250+ feet. The incendiary metal compound contained inside burns when fired at over 4000 degrees fahrenheit, showering your target in a momentary wall of flame. WARNING! Extreme fire hazard.
12 GA. “Flechette Shot Shells”
One unique application of this 1 1/2" Flechette was to load these in a 12 GA. shotgun for taking out snipers hiding in thick brush or trees. Due to the penetration of these projectiles, tree limbs and brush would not disperse the darts. Even if some were dispersed, this would still have an all-covering pattern within a tree or brush. Generally 20 of these darts are placed in each 12 GA. shell.
12 Gauge "Rhodesian Jungle"
The “Rhodesian Junlge” rounds are great for in home defense! The combination of several large pellets surrounded by a mass of smaller pellets allows for double punching power to any intruder that is unlucky enough to cross it’s path.
So guys, whats your take on this kind of ammo?
Total Novelty items? Useful at all? Just fun at the range, or dangerous to your shotgun?
I'm referring to rounds such as these seven examples:
12 GA. "Piranha"
This 12 gauge round contains dozens of razor sharp steel tacks that blast out at high velocity
12 Gauge Pit Bull
Pure Power! The Pit Bull is a powerful 12 gauge round packed with six 00-Buck pellets topped with a heavy-duty 1.3 oounce slug! Loaded extra hot
12 GA. Terminator-X
Upon impact, this slug mushrooms and expands to nearly 2 inches, stopping the slug from totally penetrating your objective. This rapid expansion forces the dozen of tiny pellets to spread through your objective
12 GA. "Armor Piercing"
This awesome round houses enough power to penetrate the thickest car doors, commercial steel doors and most objects up to 1/4" steel plate. This slug has a steel penetrator button, boosted by a very hot charge, has an unbelievable velocity to slice through metal
12 GA. “Flame Thower”
The 12 Ga. "Flame Thrower" round as pictured produces an enormous wall of fire for 250+ feet. The incendiary metal compound contained inside burns when fired at over 4000 degrees fahrenheit, showering your target in a momentary wall of flame. WARNING! Extreme fire hazard.
12 GA. “Flechette Shot Shells”
One unique application of this 1 1/2" Flechette was to load these in a 12 GA. shotgun for taking out snipers hiding in thick brush or trees. Due to the penetration of these projectiles, tree limbs and brush would not disperse the darts. Even if some were dispersed, this would still have an all-covering pattern within a tree or brush. Generally 20 of these darts are placed in each 12 GA. shell.
12 Gauge "Rhodesian Jungle"
The “Rhodesian Junlge” rounds are great for in home defense! The combination of several large pellets surrounded by a mass of smaller pellets allows for double punching power to any intruder that is unlucky enough to cross it’s path.
So guys, whats your take on this kind of ammo?