Sparring Etiquette


Green Belt
Hello, all.

While snooping through the infamous YouTube for video of TKD competitions (both pattern and sparring), I came across a video (
) of, I believe, a TKD practitioner vs (I'm guessing from his attire) a kick boxer. There is some debate among people on the site as to whether or not the kick boxer comes out after the ref starts the match with the intent of touching gloves first (I say 'some debate', as I don't think it's really clear if he does or not).

However, the TKD practitioner comes right out, performs a tornado kick (iirc), and knocks the kick boxer out (match time: approx. 3 seconds). The debate comes down to whether or not it was bad sportsmanship on the part of the TKD practitioner.

My question is this: is touching gloves something that is done very often in straight TKD competition? I'm only seen one TKD match where that's happened. Every other match I've seen, as soon as the ref starts the fight, it's on. Is this something that would be up to the individuals involved, or was this a breach of ring etiquette on his part?

I'm just curious, as I don't want to get killed shaking hands when I get into competitions. ;)
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that guy was not putting his glove out there to touch gloves.

touching gloves used to be the un-written rule.

now? it usually isnt done. in competition that is. In the school, it is done everytime.
They touched gloves in the beginning next step fight which he did.
You couldn't really ask for more a more official start to a match. They bowed in, touched gloves, returned to their corners until the ref started the match, and came out fighting. If one more guy had come out blocking, I'd probably still be watching it :lol:
jim777 said:
If one more guy had come out blocking, I'd probably still be watching it
I agree. I'm thinking I should e-mail this link to my head instructor to show at the school. Maybe then people would understand why he complains so much when they don't keep their hands up while sparring. ;)
Once the referee starts the fight, that's it - time to fight. Touching gloves should occur before the fight is started.
Once the bell rings, it's "protect yourself at all times." The kickboxer who wanted to touch gloves again did so at his own risk.
that was fine sportmanship. Nothing wrong at all, since they both went to the side. if it was right when they touched gloves\shake hand I would understand, but they did the whole ritual nice and clear went to each side, the other guy already starting his rythm too.

basically once the ref says shijak(start), you can kick asap. The timer is started!(coincidently you can get unexperienced people with this is real matches a lot for a free point. hint hint if you do wtf competition :))
Reminds me of a James Bond movie where Bond, played by Roger Moore, was forced to fight this karate expert in a dojo. The expert bowed to Bond, and Bond kicked him in the face with a whipping snap kick (must have been a bummer.)

After that the karate expert, when he bowed again, kept his eyes on Bond.

As for proper etiquette, whatever the rules of the tournament are, those are the rules. Everyone is expected to learn the rules. No other rules govern. Shotokan tournaments are much different from TKD ones and a wise TKDist or Shotokanist should make sure they know the rules before entering the other styles matches. That's a word to the wise cause I can say Shotokan tend to kick in the groin, and a TKDist might be embarrist if kicked there in the first round!

Remember when you used to play pool and there was always one person that had the ability to sink the eight ball on the break? Now imagine playing the game versus sinking the eight ball.No real test of skill there....
In addition to what everyone said about them already touching gloves, the "kick boxer" has retracted his front glove, has both elbows bent, and is backing away when he's hit. On top of that, the "TKD" guy did a tornado kick right before the match. What more does the kick boxer expect? An engraved note saying, "I'm going to throw a tornado kick as soon as the ref starts the fight. Best wishes."
Actually.. I just viewed the video again and though I still believe the TKD guy was in the right, there is some confusion to the "why". I'll explain:

The whole video shows that after touching gloves and going to their corners, the bell sounds and the kickboxer gets KO'd.. however, the kick boxer starts a lot closer to the centre than the TKD guy and what I missed first time round was that after the bell sounded the TKD guy bowed, and though the kick boxer initially had his hands up to fight, he did indeed lower his guard slightly and bow too.. you can see this on the close up of the video at about 1:58 - the fact that he was closer to the ring centre and he did this after the TKD guy (as in the TKD had started to spin) meant his guard was dropped and upon realsing the TKD guy wasnt stopping he did indeed move back... just not far enough (his fault for starting so far forward I guess).

In conclusion, Id say it was just one of those things and bad luck for the kick boxer, but he was reacting to the TKD guy bowing after the bell, so was unlucky!

This reminds me of a competiton i once sparred in. One of my bouts was against someone form another class who I'd never sparred before. As soon as the fight started he put out his front glove, assuming he wanted to touch gloves I carefully and firmly boxed his. I thought this was a bit weird but didnt think too much of it until he swapped stance doing the same with the other fist, puzzed i boxed the other assuming he wanted both gloves touched... I did this three times until i realised this was just his own flash way of guarding, so i took advantage of his whole uncovered side.
Shotokan tournaments are much different from TKD ones and a wise TKDist or Shotokanist should make sure they know the rules before entering the other styles matches. That's a word to the wise cause I can say Shotokan tend to kick in the groin, and a TKDist might be embarrist if kicked there in the first round!


Not a problem in this instance since in the video the ref reaches down as he's giving the instructions and checks each fighter's, uh, "area" to see if they have protection. Either that or the refs are really, really, familiar wherever this was videoed.