OK, so I went to my LGS+Range Sunday (after morning piety) and was working some paper plates. I started with my dainty KelTec P32 (.32 ACP) and it was marking well at 15 feet. 100 rounds got it real dirty though. The indoor range had the usual assortment of 9's and the like. The big noise maker was a gent next lane over with his .40 (I don't know what model but it kept chucking brass over the Kevlar dividers on top of me. My bro was shooting a 9 I just gave him and a pocket .22LR that I drug along for fun.
So anyway, after throwing two boxes of .32 lead downrange (completing my Course of fire on ten targets) I switch to my beloved CZ52 for my next ten target Course of fire at 25'.
Then there was a brief pause as all shooting on lanes 6-10 stopped and they tried to figure out what the blazes that noise was. I just smiled and continued to put a nice pattern on the plate.
About 3 plates into my Course, I hear the Range Master behind me talking to the Assistant saying, "That one sounds like a .357 Sig." Naturally I had to share. "It has a very distinctive sound," he opined and I agreed.
Good heavens I love this gun!
(Now if only I were as accurate as it is.)
Peace favor your sword,
So anyway, after throwing two boxes of .32 lead downrange (completing my Course of fire on ten targets) I switch to my beloved CZ52 for my next ten target Course of fire at 25'.
Then there was a brief pause as all shooting on lanes 6-10 stopped and they tried to figure out what the blazes that noise was. I just smiled and continued to put a nice pattern on the plate.
About 3 plates into my Course, I hear the Range Master behind me talking to the Assistant saying, "That one sounds like a .357 Sig." Naturally I had to share. "It has a very distinctive sound," he opined and I agreed.
Good heavens I love this gun!

(Now if only I were as accurate as it is.)
Peace favor your sword,