Songs lyrics


Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Jun 20, 2003
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Cleveland, OH
I thought it would be cool to have a thread dedicated to favorite song lyrics. Post what you like, why you like it, what it means to you, who sings it, what song and/or album it is on, ect.
From my current Signature:

". . . la la la la la la la la la,
Everybody's going to the party have a real good time.
Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine. . ." , B.Y.O.B. By System of a Down

What it means to me:

It means that everyone is supposed to go off and have fun at the beach, aka the dessert, and just blow up a few bombs and come home. Yet, I sense that the authors were being sarcastic, and that people are not really having fun.
I like the whole song I mentioned above as well as the whole Song "Holiday" by Green Day. Much for the same reasons, it is people expressing thier opinions through musics.

Right wrong or indifferent, they have the right to make the song, and for people to buy it or not.

Peace :asian:
"What do you see on the news
when you watch tv?
War in the name of God
or a playground killing spree.
Politicians promise you the world
and a preacher cries,
all he ever wanted was your money
and a b***h on the side.
What went wrong?
Did society twist them?

What do you see in the center
Of the public eye?
Rockstars on smack
And serial killer fries.
Radicals blame suicide and murder
On our form of art.
Brainwash the youth
Ya know they claim
we all play a part.

What a shame
that they can't think for themselves.

'Past tense to future tense
and history unfolds.
So ends a decade now
What will the 90's hold?
You know we're verging on the edge of an age
and then another century will turn the page'

What will they say when they look back on this?
Was the 80's just a time
of spoiled innocence?
We leave our legacy like dust
in the sands of time
Lets hope the seeds we plant today
grow under the weight of our crimes.

'Past tense to future tense
and history unfolds
and when we're old and gray
these stories will be told.
You know we're verging on the edge of an age
and then another century will turn the page'

We sail an ocean
A sea of doubt
Strange things make no sense
and work things out.
I'll choose optimism
Scream its name
Into the future
A burning flame."

Band: Sanctuary.
CD: Into the Mirror Black.

Its a metal band that hasn't been around for years.
But those lyrics speak timeless volumes to me.
They fit even now.
Does anyone have a link to actual song lyrics? I have often wondered on different songs what the individual is saying. It would make things easier to read and understand what the song might be about. :)
jfarnsworth said:
Does anyone have a link to actual song lyrics? I have often wondered on different songs what the individual is saying. It would make things easier to read and understand what the song might be about. :)


The beginning of an eminem song I really like... It's called Til I colapse.

"Sometimes you just feel tired, you feel weak
and when you feel weak, you feel like you just wanna give up
but you gotta search within you
gotta find that inner strength
and just pull that **** out of you
no matter how bad you just wanna fall
flat on your face.

Its a good song to listen to when your feeling uninspired or like you can't finish what you've started
I'm a big Harry Chapin fan. This is a pretty literal story of how he met his wife, and for no particular reason I've always really liked it. You'd probably have to hear it sung to appreciate why...and even then, maybe you wouldn't!

I Wanna Learn a Love Song

I come fresh from the street,
fast on my feet, kind a lean and lazy;
not much meat on my bones, and a whole lot alone,
and more than a little bit crazy.
The old six string was all I had
to keep my belly still,
and for each full hour lesson I gave
I got a crisp ten dollar bill.

She was married for seven years
to a concrete castle king.
She said she wanted to learn to play the guitar
and to hear her children sing.
So I'd show up about once a week
in my faded tight-legged jeans
with a backlog full of hobo stories
and dilapidated dreams.

She said, "I wanna learn a love song full of happy things."
She said, "I wanna learn a love song; won't you let me hear you sing?"
She said, "I wanna learn a love song, I wanna hear you play."
She said, "I wanna learn a love song before you go away."

So I tried to teach her a couple of chords
and an easy melody;
but it always turned out she'd rather listen
to my guitar and me.
I could hear her old man laughing in the den,
playing stud poker with the boys
while I sang so soft in the living room,
to scared to make much noise.
I came one week and the den was dark
and she met me at the door.
And we sat on the couch and we sang and talked
till I could not sing no more.
The silence kept on building,
her eyes grew much too wide;
and I could her both of our heartbeats,
but there was no place to hide.

She said, "I wanna learn a love song full of happy things."
She said, "I wanna learn a love song; won't you let me hear you sing?"
She said, "I wanna learn a love song, I wanna hear you play."
She said, "I wanna learn a love song before you go away."

Well, I guess you know what happened,
God, I never been so clean.
Yes, I feel like I'm working in a Hollywood movie
or living out a good bad dream.
And all them pinup girls in that tinsel world
never touched me like she can;
it took another man's wife in the real world life
to make this boy a man.

She said, "I wanna learn a love song full of happy things."
She said, "I wanna learn a love song; won't you let me hear you sing?"
She said, "I wanna learn a love song, I wanna hear you play."
She said, "I wanna learn a love song before you go away."
I guess you know I stayed.
I have a collection on my hard-drive (backed up by CDROM) of song lyrics by my favorite artists. It would be difficult for me to even pin down one because each of them have so different meanings for different things in my life.
I usually find the lyrics by googling them basically type in (i.e.) Chicago lyrics and go to the individual links provided. It's usually the first three or four that give me what I need. From there it's a copy/paste away from being a permanent record of my archives.
There's a site that's interesting enough called "" which basically gives all those mistranslated lyrics and shows their actual lines. Kinda funny how people mis-hear their favorite songs.

But this song by Dan Fogelberg always brings a tear to my eye (yeah yeah yeah I'm an old softie alright already!) ... mainly because I think it's written very sincerely and sensitively and according to him it's true.
It's a song of what might/could/should/wouldn't have been:

Same Old Lang Syne

Met my old lover in the grocery store
The snow was falling Christmas eve
I stole behind her in the frozen foods
And I brushed her on the sleeve

She didn't recognize my face at first
But then her eyes flew open wide
She went to hug me and she spilled her purse
And we laughed until we cried

(instrumental break)

We took her groceries to the checkout stand
The food was totaled up and bagged
We stood there lost in our embarrassment
As the conversation dragged

We went to have ourselves a drink or two
But couldn't find an open bar
We bought a six-pack at the liquor store
And we drank it in her car

We drank a toast to innocence, we drank a toast to now
And tried to reach beyond the emptiness but neither one knew how

She said she'd married her an architect
Who kept her warm and safe and dry
She would have liked to say she loved the man
But she didn't like to lie

I said the years had been a friend to her
And that her eyes were still as blue
But in the light I wasn't sure if I saw doubt or gratitude

She said she saw me in the record store
And that I must be doing well
I said the audience was heavenly but the traveling was hell

We drank a toast to innocence, we drank a toast to now
And tried to reach beyond the emptiness but neither one knew how
We drank a toast to innocence, we drank a toast to time
Reliving in our eloquence, another auld lang syne

The beer was empty and our tongues were tired
Running out of things to say
She gave a kiss to me as I got out
And I watched her drive away

Just for a moment I was back at school ...
And felt that old familiar pain ......
And as I turned to make my way back home
The snow turned into rain
Thank you, Lord, for saving my soul;
Thank you, Lord, for making me whole;
Thank you, Lord, for giving to me
Thy great salvation so rich and free!

An old gospel chorus, sung by many. I think the meaning, and the reason it means so much to me is clear: I was sinking in the depths of my sin, on my way to a Christless eternity in hell, when somebody told me that Jesus died on the cross, and shed His blood to pay for my sin, and if I would repent of my sin, and trust in Him alone, He would save me, and freely give me eternal life!

::in a shouting mood now::

A sinner saved by grace,
This was one of my favorites for a long time.

Spring sweet rhythm dance in my head
Slip into my lover's hands
Kiss me won't you kiss me now
And sleep I would inside your mouth
Don't be us too shy
For knowing it's no big surprise that
I will wait for you
I will wait for no one but you

Oh please lover lay down
Spend this time with me
Together share this smile
Lover lay down
Spend this time with me
Walk with me, walk with you
Hold my hand your hands
So much we have dreamed
and we were so much younger
Hard to explain that we are stronger
A million reasons life to deny
Let's toss them away
See you and me we
Lay down look see
She and he
By my lover's side
Together share this smile
Each other's tears to cry
Together share this smile
Lover lay down
Oh please oh please
Oh please lover lay down
Oh please lover lay down
And you weep
Lover lay down
Cause it's over
Lover lay down

Say love, say love, say love, say love, say love
Should I love you
Could you love me
Darling it's all the same
'Til we dance away
Chasing me all around
Leading me all around
Leading me all around in circles
ANTHRAX - One man Stands (1990)
The Enemy Is Dead
I Can't Believe What I Said
The Enemy Is Dead
Did it Only Exist in Our Head?
Sheltered from the Evils of the World until the Truth Is Seen
Sheltered from Realities of Life, Your Human Rights Are Free
Freedom, Taken for Granted 'Cause We Don't Know What Oppression
Freedom, Taken for Granted by the Leaders Who Would Crush the Dream
A Crack, Exposing Human Rights
Light Against a Granite Sky
A Crack, Exposing Human Life
A Fire Burns
For the Freedom, for the Freedom, for the Freedom
Never Given but Taken
For the Freedom
Die for the Reason
One Man Stands
Hard as He Waits for Freedom's Hand
A Unified Voice for Freedom of Choice
One Man Stands for
He'll Give His
Would You Give Yours to Fight for a Cause
One Man Stands
And the Wall Cracks, and the Wall Cracks
And the Wall Cracks, and the Walls Come Crumbling
Down with Old Ideals That Could Never Work in Modern Times
Free Choice, Religious Freedom, Basic Rights Are on the Bottom Line
Down with All the Icons of the past Cold War and Detente
The Flock No Longer Fears the Wolf, the Flock Is Taking What it Wants
A Crack, Exposing Human Rights
Light Against the Granite Sky
A Crack, Exposing Human Rights
A Fire Burns
For the Freedom, for the Freedom, for the Freedom
Never Given but Taken
For the Freedom
Die for the Reason
One Man Stands
Hard as He Waits for Freedom's Hand
A Unified Voice for Freedom of Choice
One Man Stands for
He'll Give His
Would You Give Yours to Fight for a Cause
One Man Stands
And the Wall Cracks, and the Wall Cracks
And the Wall Cracks, and the Walls Come Crumbling
One Man Stands for Life - I Never Questioned
One Life Costs Us All - They Love Their Children
Every Man Stands and Fights - Who Is My Enemy?
One Man's Rule Will Fall - One Man Stands
One Man Stands
Hard as He Waits for Freedom's Hand
A Unified Voice for Freedom of Choice
One Man Stands for
He'll Give His
Would You Give Yours to Fight for a Cause
One Man Stands
And the Wall Cracks, and the Wall Cracks
And the Wall Cracks, and the Walls Come Crumbling
Its better with the music....
DIRE STRAITS (from the album of the same name)
For the veterans on this board :asian:
Brothers in Arms

These mist covered mountains
Are a home now for me
But my home is the lowlands
And always will be
Some day you'll return to
Your valleys and your farms
And you'll no longer burn
To be brothers in arm

Through these fields of destruction
Baptism of fire
I've watched all your suffering
As the battles raged higher
And though they did hurt me so bad
In the fear and alarm
You did not desert me
My brothers in arms

There's so many different worlds
So many different suns
And we have just one world
But we live in different ones

Now the sun's gone to hell
And the moon's riding high
Let me bid you farewell
Every man has to die
But it's written in the starlight
And every line on your palm
We're fools to make war
On our brothers in arms

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